Get in Balance with Mia Lockhart Whole Balance Therapy

Get in Balance with Mia
Are you tired?
Do you suffer from sleeplessness?
Do you feel stressed or depressed or overwhelmed?
Do you just feel out of sorts or out of balance?
If you answered yes to any of these, then you need to consider a hormone balance treatment with Mia Lockhart Whole Body Therapy.
Find your life’s rhythm. Find your balance. Find yourself.
When Mia suggested that I come in for a treatment, I jumped at the opportunity.
Mia offers several therapeutic massage options ranging from a mini to a full massage, naturotherapy treatments, reflexology, raindrop therapy aromatherapy massage, and hormone balancing bodywork. She is also covered by BlueCross and most health care plans.
I decided to try the hormone balancing treatment, as I thought that people would have the most questions about it, and it sounded like something I could certainly use. This is a combination of massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, reiki and cranial sacral therapy for optimal health, body alignment, deep relaxation and hormone balance.
I have hypothyroidism. I have two active boys, several freelance jobs, a busy life and I am tired. Especially as of late, I have been feeling overwhelmed at try to keep everything going at once all the time. I have felt the need to bring some balance back to my body and my life.
Mia Lockhart Whole Body Therapy is located at the west end of New Minas on Crescent Avenue next to Anatolia. Mia has a small office building off the road that she shares with another massage therapist. I was greeted at the door by the peaceful sounds of a running-water fountain.
I filled out the usual paperwork, but this one also included a list of symptoms to check off that I may have been experiencing as of late. Mia was clear to tell me only to check those that I felt comfortable sharing, as some might be too personal to include. However, the more information you can provide, the more thorough the treatment, of course!
As it was my first treatment, Mia walked me through the process and explained what was going to happen and why. First, a back massage to relax and get used to her touch. This is followed by reflexology on the feet, a massage and balance of the hormones in the stomach area, followed by a cranial massage.
Mia explained to me that 95% of all physical dysfunction is rooted in an endocrine (hormone) system disruption! BUT only about 2-3% of people with physical problems ever realize their problems could be rooted in the endocrine system.
Some of the many common problems that are rooted in endocrine gland disorders or hormonal imbalance are
weight imbalances
over-sensitive skin
eye-muscle weakness
inability to absorb nutrition
sleep cycle irregularity
lack of hand to brain coordination
irregular/extreme hunger patterns
tendency to extreme body temperatures
chronic cold
lack of concentration ability
imbalanced facial/body shape
hyper-sensitive scalp and fluctuating hair health
extreme mood swings
hyper body-hair growth (or the opposite)
imbalanced libido patterns, etc.
The endocrine system with its glands, forms a bridge between the physical body, and the psyche, as it controls the mood altering hormones and pheromones that make us understand the needs of our bodies.
How vital it is, therefore, that this system is in good functioning health!
I cannot describe in words how amazing this treatment was. Mia instantly put me at ease, making sure I was warm and comfortable. I was completely relaxed and zoned out, and yet in tune to what she was doing.
During the reflexology part, whenever she found a tender spot, I knew it corresponded with a part of the body that was out of sync. I wanted to ask her about it, but was so relaxed and couldn’t speak or break the moment. I took a mental note though. Mia’s hands are strong and intuitive which makes for the perfect treatment.
Throughout the whole massage my breathing changed. Sometimes I was taking deep breaths, and sometimes I found myself short of breath. My heart raced and then it slowed. I could feel myself opening up, releasing and relaxing. It is something that you have to experience in order to understand or describe.
I have not felt that relaxed, more in-tuned with my body, or a sense of release in a long time.
When Mia ended the session (which I was hoping would go on forever), she gave me an overall analysis of what she discovered about me. My sinuses were full (they were until I felt them empty and I could breathe again!). My spleen was full of anxiety and worry – true as I contemplate some changes in my life, and my lymph nodes on the left side need further massage for drainage. Finally, she said my liver was full. At first I worried it was too many glasses of wine on girls’ nights! But, Mia said that it was full of too many to do lists and there wasn’t enough space for me. Wow. Did she have me pegged.
After the session, my head felt light and I was at peace. I went home and lay on the lawn chair in the sun not wanting to move or conquer any of my to-do lists. Hours later I still felt relaxed. Mia said the effects would last for days. I had the best night’s sleep that night, too!
To truly be hormonally balanced, Mia suggested a treatment every two weeks and then monthly after that, if you are able. I just want her to come and put me to bed every night! Mia says to expect an emotional release sometime after the treatment. It could be laughter, or it could be tears. Let it happen.
I came home raving about the session that two friends have already booked in with Mia. I suggest that you give it a try, too. You won’t believe it until you try it.
Take some time for you, treat yourself, and go visit Mia Lockhart Whole Body Therapy for a treatment. Your body will love you for it.
*I was not paid for this post, but did receive a treatment. All opinions are my own*