A Night of Comedy


There is something both cathartic and uplifting about being in a room of people laughing.


Friday, April 12, 8pm, Canning Lions Hall
Come support the NKEC grads and have a great night out while comedians Hughie Batherson and Cassian Ferlatte entertain us.
There will be a live auction for a signed jersey by Ottawa Senators player Drake Batherson.
Drake Batherson finally comments on Hockey Canada investigation
Also on site will be a cash bar and canteen (cash only), and a 50-50 ticket draw.
  • This event is for 19+.
  • Doors open at 7:30. The event will begin at 8:00. 
Questions? Email nkecsafegrad@gmail.com.
Get your ticket today by filling out the below form and sending an EMT to nkecsafegrad@gmail.com
**Funds raised will go towards NKEC Safe Grad 2024**

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