
Part 2: Best Tips for Biking the PEI Confederation Trail

Part 2: Best Tips for Biking the PEI Confederation TrailLast…

Summerside PEI Aquatics Centre

Summerside PEI Aquatics CentreImagine being in PEI and…

The PEI Bottle Houses

Exploring the PEI Bottle HousesDisclosure: Our family received…

PEI Preserve Company and the Gardens of Hope

PEI Preserve Company and the Gardens of HopeOne of my all-time…

Basin Head Provincial Park and Singing Sands Beach, PEI

Basin Head Provincial Park and Singing Sands Beach, PEI  If…

Best Tips for Biking the PEI Confederation Trail with your Family

Best Tips for Biking the PEI Confederation Trail with your FamilyOur…