Sports – equipment, financial support, resources



Used bikes of all sizes can be found in the driveway of a gentleman who lives on Route 1 in Wilmot across from Evans’ Family Farm Market. He also often has bike gears and racks. 902-825-3624

Skates and Hockey Equipment

Used skates are available at Sport Chek in New Minas. They also have a program that if you buy new skates there and bring them back the next year, you can get half the amount towards your next purchase!

Berwick Apple Dome – Has used and new skates for sale.

Dennis Boucher – located in Kentville. Will sharpen hockey skates for $5.50 and figure skates for $8.00. Open 9-5 Wednesday through Friday and 9-2 on Saturdays. Located on the corner of Mee Road and Mountain View Street in Kentville. 670-1088.  He also has used skates for sale.

First Shift Program through Canadian Tire – Open to all Canadian children between the ages of 6 and 10 years old that have never previously been registered in minor hockey. 

Middleton and Area Hockey Gear Swap/Sale – A Facebook group dedicated to swapping hockey equipment you no longer need – please post pictures and  include size, brand, price and if you are interested in trading.


Juandaro’s in New Minas offers an array of soccer related products including a vast selection of cleats, team uniforms, gear for keepers, referees and coaches, full size soccer goals and much more. Now available: custom printing.

Sports Equipment (general)

Shawn’s Sports Excellence – Wilmot: specializing in new and used sporting goods and carrying a full line of hockey, baseball, golf, soccer, broom ball, curling, badminton, and squash equipment. We also carry a great selection of bikes and footwear.

Specialty Sport Organizations

ParaSport Nova Scotia – Strives to develop Parasport opportunities across Nova Scotia and serves as the first point of contact for people with a disability in the province.

Special Olympics – Special Olympics is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with an intellectual disability.

Valley Active Communities – a movement aimed at increasing physical activity for health, social, economic and environmental benefits. They help people move more! They work with schools, municipal recreation departments, and more to promote healthy active communities.

Sport Support

Sometimes youth want to play sports but there just isn’t enough money in the family to pay the fees. There are several organizations that provide financial assistance. Many depend on where you live.

Annapolis County Funding Support for children and youth

Canadian Tire Jump Start – Canadian Tire believes all kids should have the chance to run, skate, play and grow. That’s why they have created Canadian Tire JumpStart, a community based charitable program from the Canadian Tire Foundations for families that helps kids in financial need participate in organized sport and recreational activities.

Kidsport – is a national children’s charitable program that helps disadvantaged kids overcome the barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport.
KidSportTM Nova Scotia provides funding of up to $300/year/child for sport registration and/or equipment. (Kentville Office: 902.678.1117)

Spike Fund – Anyone in Kentville in need of financial support to participate in a recreation program can apply. There are no restrictions based on age. Recreation is defined as and activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. Applicants must live in the Town of Kentville.

Windsor Child and Youth Recreation and Sport Fund If you or a family member require support to be involved in Windsor Recreation programs, do not hesitate to contact them.

Wolfville Mudley Fund

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