Playgrounds are great because they are free! Check out the playgrounds at local elementary school, or these public parks.
14 Wing Greenwood Playground – it is next to the outdoor pool on Church Ave, close to the Rec Center. They actually have 3 different playgrounds: one designed for preschoolers, one for 5 and up, and the third one for 10 and up. They also have a few picnic tables set up, and a gazebo to shelter from the sun. And it is all fenced in as well, so its safe for kids. MAP
Brandon Place – is a playground located in the subdivision behind McDonald’s in Coldbrook, on Meagan Drive.
Centreville Park – a beautiful park with walking trails, a play ground, and well-equipped baseball and soccer fields.
Grant Potter Playground, Annapolis Royal – natural elements with so many features in a small gated area
Hantsport Memorial Community Centre has a playground. Located on Main Street. There is also a splash pad open in the summer from 11am-7pm. Open until the end of September.
Jubilee Park, Bridgetown – A group of Bridgetown area residents has created a Natural Playground in Jubilee Park. A natural playground is one that uses elements that you could find in nature – logs, boulders, hills, sand, stumps – put together to create a unique play area for children.
Kentville Memorial Park has a playground by the tennis courts and outdoor pool. The playground is located on Park Street.
Lockhart Ryan Park, New Minas – has a playground, walking trails, washrooms.
Meadowview Community Centre on Brooklyn Street outside of Kentville has a playground and outdoor fitness centre. MAP
Morden Natural Playground – Graves Park, 2321 Morden Road, Morden.
Oakdene Park, Kentville – it is made up of a large open space with 2 soccer fields, a stage, a natural playground, basketball court, community garden and a duck pond that can also be used for skating in the winter time.
Port Williams Community Park – is location on Highway 358, Main Street, near the Fire Station. Walking trails, picnic area, playground and toilet.
Rainforth Park in Berwick has a great playground! It is located on Cottage Street. MAP
Rotary Raceway Park in Middleton has a pre-school playground. It is located at 337 Marshall Street. MAP
Stronach Park & Fitness Trail – this park is located in Kingston and offers another addition to the Kings County Trails. The easy trail runs through the forest in a loop and features several fitness stops along the way. You can try your balance on a log beam or see how many chin-ups you can do at another stop. Located on Bridge Street, Kingston. MAP
Wolfville has a playground built in the shape of a boat! Located at 7 Victoria Avenue. MAP