Noggins Corner Farm Trails
Noggins Corner Farm Historic Walking Trail
In my youth I spent a lot of time in the woods behind Noggins Corner Farm. This was long before the formal trails existed.
I walked from Port Williams, across the dykes, up around the woods and back home, often meeting my friend Patricia who grew up on the farm.
It was our go-to place and holds so many great memories.
My sister and I would cross country ski through here to get to school (the old Horton) and our biology class did trips here to study the woods.
It’s a truly remarkable place, so it’s great that there are now trails here that everyone can enjoy!
The Terrain
Here’s what the brochure says:
The walking trail offers information on the history of the land while providing an enjoyable and vigorous hike. The trail is approximately 3kms in length with shorter trail options available.
It is great for hiking, jogging, snowshoeing, advanced cycling or skiing.
Enjoy the trail year-round!

Before you head out, I recommend picking up a map. This will show you all the route options.
You can pick one up in the farmer’s market.
There are NO fees to walk these trails!
Park at the Noggin’s Corner Farm Market parking lot behind the yellow house where you would enter for the corn maze.
There are a few entrances to the trail (as indicated on the map). We decided to do the trail in order, hitting each one of the scenic spots. So, we entered the trail on the left.
When you are looking at the woods, with the parking lot on your back, the entrance is in the woods to your left, at the edge of the field.

As you walk along, there are many options for shorter loops.
We decided to take the outside loop, doing the full extent of the trail.
This took us about 1 hour in the snow, walking with three families, 7 children and 3 dogs.
Along the trail, there are interesting signs about historic places on the farm.
And, you can see a giant eagle’s nest.
Apparently, a Volkswagon Beetle can fit inside that nest!
Doing the full extended loop, you get to walk through hardwood and softwood forests, fields, dykes, a poor farmers’ cemetery and along the old railway line.
Our grade 10 biology class came to Neary Pines, which, if I remember correctly, is the oldest growth forest in the province. It’s pretty spectacular!

Our Journey
We went with a range of people from 4 years old to 70 and 14 people.
The extended loop of the trail was too long for the youngest hikers, so if going with smaller children, I would create a shorter loop.
The full hike took us a little more than 1 hour, and that was in snowy conditions. It would probably take less time when the ground is bare.
What’s great, too, is that at the end of the trail is the play equipment. This is a good incentive and motivator for kids on the hike, knowing they get to play at the end!
Winter Hiking
This hike is great in the winter. Recently, my friend Nicole snowshoed parts of the trail. I can’t wait to try this, too!
If you are looking for a great family hike with lots of different zones to explore, this is your hike. Summer, winter, spring and fall! Check out Noggin’s Corner Farm Trail!