Measuring Animals

Just How Long is That? Measuring Animals
Our boys love to read books about animals. We read facts about their weight, height and length. However, measurements are sometimes hard to grasp and fully understand how long something actually is!
With this in mind, we often measure out animals!
We are lucky to live on a dead end road with no traffic, so the street is our playground. For everyone else, try this on the sidewalk, your driveway, or at your local playground/basketball court.
1. Gather all your books about animals. We’ve done this several times. Once with dinosaurs, once with whales, and once with animal babies.
2. Get a tape measurer.
3. Draw a base line on the ground.
4. Look in your book to determine the length of the animal. Measure it out, and mark it with chalk. Be sure to label each animal!
You will be amazed at just how long these animals actually are! And now, kids will have a frame of reference for just how big they are!
The kids love this activity and do it now with their friends!