Martial Arts

Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts – Classes available for youth 4+. By combining classes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai Kickboxing and MMA, we offer a complete solution for mixed martial arts competition and real world self defense. We pride ourselves on having a relaxed training atmosphere where everyone can progress at their own pace while still being challenged in every single class.

Durling’s Taekwondo – Greenwood, Berwick. Greg Durling: 825-3489.

East Coast Yoshinkan Akido – Classes offered in Kingston

Fencing – Open to participants aged 10 years and over. Held at Acadia. EMAIL

Floating Bridge Centre for Learning – Floating Bridge provides peaceful, nurturing spaces in which to learn, grow & connect. We are committed to moving beyond violence & competition. We teach effective skills for dealing with stress, violence & conflict; developing self-awareness & relational skills. We offer classes, seminars & workshops in Aikido, Tai Chi & Meditation.

Hachikin II Judo Club in Greenwood at Dwight Ross Elementary School . Instructor: Andrew MacNeil. Email:

Jim’s Taekwon-do – located in Windsor with classes for ages 5+. This is fun, strength building, street proofing, confidence building and much more for the whole family. 902-256-2412

Leblanc’s TaeKwonDo, Windsor, offers a Lil’ Nija program for children aged 5-9 years old.
The program is designed to incorporate the children into the regular Taekwon-Do curriculum using fun and exciting drills.

Melanson Taekwon do – classes held in New Minas. 

Shoken Defense – based in Kentville, teaches self-defense classes and karate for kids. There are beginning kickboxing classes for youyouth aged 7-12.

Tidal Spirit Taekwondo – Classes are open at all times, there is no set date for starting.  Everyone is welcome as classes are based on individual ability and everyone can work at their own pace, to achieve their goals…be it the next belt level or just personal fitness.  Classes are structured not only around learning, but around learning through fun.  We want each student who enters our program to feel comfortable and confident with their abilities.

Wagner’s Tae Kwon Do – lessons available in Digby ,Greenwood , Berwick and North Alton.

Windsor Karate Club

Victory Taekwondo – Kicking for all ages from 4 and up! Come in to try 2 free classes Taekwondo is great for competitive sparring, self defense, getting into great shape or just to have a fun hobby! There is no set registration as we run all year and anyone can join anytime. Classes are held at the County Fair Mall, New Minas. A second location is at Three Mile Plains Elementary School in Windsor. Contact 670-7897

Young’s Uechi-Ryu Karate and Fitness – there are often specialty classes for children 5 years and older.

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