Kentville Gorge Trails

Kentville Gorge Trails


The Kentville Gorge is a great place to discover right in the heart of Kentville!

Here’s what the Kentville website says:

The Gorge is located on 64.5 acres of natural woodland. 
It was developed in 1930 and is still maintained today. 
The Gorge has awesome trails for mountain biking and great trails for walking and hiking in the summer. 

The Trails

The main walking trail is a figure 8 loop.

When you first enter the park, have a look at the map.


Besides the main walking trail there are many mountain bike trails and paths that lead off the main loop.

Stick to the main loop if you are walking. There are maps as you go along, so it’s easy to stay on the main path.


When we went, the adults stuck to the main loop path, but the kids had a great time looking at the map, and running along some of the bike trails in the ravine.

They LOVED doing this, and it was a definite highlight for them. In fact, they keep asking to go back so they can do it again!


Sticking to the main loop, the trail was less than 30 minutes, and less than 2km.

The main loop is also stroller friendly.

All Seasons

The Kentville Gorge trails are great in all seasons. I have chaperoned a school snowshoe trip there, too!


I highly recommend doing this trail without snow before you try it in the winter!

We did this trail a few times in the winter, but couldn’t tell the difference between the main loop and the biking paths, and ended up very turned around.

However, now that there is signage, this shouldn’t be a problem.


How to Get There

There are two entrances to the Park: 
1) Gladys Porter Drive; this entrance includes parking. This road is across from the Kentville ball park off Park Street and will take you up to the site of the old BFM hospital.


Watch for the sign at the side of the road.

2) Grant Street entrance; this entrance is a foot path. Both of these entrances have interpretive signage. This is in the subdivision beside the gorge.


Looking for a quick, easy and family-friendly walk in the woods, try the Kentville Gorge! You will be surprised at this natural wonder right in Kentville!




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