Grow with Art


Grow with Art is a fabulous children’s art program that runs on the first Saturday of every month from 1pm-3pm at the Kinstec Campus of the Nova Scotia Community College in Kentville. Essentially, Grow with Art is an art education and appreciation program for children aged five to 14.

There are two parts to the program.

1. Art Rental

The Grow with Art Society owns over two hundred framed reproductions of major works of art, and many Nova Scotia artists. Each picture has the biography of the artist attached to the back. These works of art are hung in the hallways at the Community College in Kentville.


Youth are invited to walk around looking at the paintings, and can take one home for the month for only $2.

We have had everything from the Mona Lisa to Van Gogh and Alex Colville hanging on our walls. One determining factor is size. The bigger the better – according to the boys!

We have a designated wall in our house where we hang the boys’ paintings, and they look upon them with pride.







Art Workshops

Every month, children attend a two hour program led by a recognized Valley artist. The type of art is completely different each month and can be anything from painting with watercolours to making puppets.

Early childhood education students from Kingstec help out, so each child receives special attention.


The cost of the workshop is only $2. Parents can drop their kids and leave, or can stay and work with the children. Because our children are younger, we usually stay to help, and we can leave if we are finished earlier because of the shorter attention span.

How it Works

When you arrive, there is a registration table in the main foyer. If it is your first time, you need to pay a membership fee of $5 for the family.


You can choose to attend the art workshop or not. Sometimes, if we are having a busy day, we just go and swap our paintings and leave. However, the kids do love the workshops and we make an effort to go.


If you are a classroom teacher or run a day care, art kits are also available to rent. These are resources for art appreciation or art instruction.





If you live in the Kentville area and your kids have an interest in art, or you’d like to nurture a love of art, the Grow with Art program is definitely worth checking out.

Details and a schedule are available on line

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