Our Family’s First-hand learning about the war: visiting graves of ancestors who died near Vimy Ridge

Our Family’s First-hand learning about the war: visiting graves of ancestors who died near Vimy Ridge

First-hand learning about the war: Kentville family visits graves of ancestors who died near Vimy Ridge



For the first part of the year, our family lived in the UK. After having seen a replica of the Vimy Ridge memorial at Citadel Hill in Halifax, our nine-year-old son asked if we could go see the real one since we would be “close.” 

After a bit of research, we discovered the 100th anniversary celebration would be happening in France while we were there. We applied for free tickets, and then hopped to France for a week. The Vimy Ridge Anniversary Celebration was an incredible day, but that’s a story for another time. 

Before going, my mother provided us with information about her great-uncle, Ellis Hooper, who was killed in a battle leading up to Vimy Ridge, and was buried somewhere in northern France. 

First-hand learning about the war: Kentville family visits graves of ancestors who died near Vimy Ridge





The night before we were to visit Aubigny, a cousin on my father’s side wrote to tell me that our great-great uncle was buried in northern France, and if we had the chance, we should go see his grave. He had died in the battles immediately after Vimy. 

Ernest Marshall

First-hand learning about the war: Kentville family visits graves of ancestors who died near Vimy Ridge


























 Read the whole story of this incredible family find in my column in the Advertiser. 


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