
Annapolis Valley Home School is a group dedicated to the homeschooling families of the Annapolis Valley. It is a place to share information on family friendly events, field trips, and curriculum. It is also a wonderful place to ask questions about homeschooling – especially if you are just exploring your options.

Annapolis Valley Learning Disabilities Tutoring – We’re located in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia and accept students from Windsor, Wolfville, Kentville, Coldbrook, Berwick, Middleton and surrounding areas.

Booker School, Port Williams – The Booker is an independent, non-profit, non-denominational school founded by parents in 2012. Located in Port Williams it serves students in Pre K – 8.  Built on integrity and respect, the Booker is a place that engages students with a creative and challenging academic curriculum, which emphasizes inquiry-based learning with further emphasis on character development, service and global awareness. The Booker is in the consideration phase of the International Baccalaureate’s (IB) accreditation process for the early years program.

Canadian Parents for French, Valley Chapter -Canadian Parents For French (CPF) has a Valley Chapter, that is made up of volunteers who plan extracurricular events that are offered in French. EMAIL

Drivers Education for teens : Apple Valley Driving School Bolland Driving Solutions Excel Drivers Training Young Drivers

École Rose-des-Vents is a school located in Greenwood operated by the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial. It operates outside the Valley District School Board.

Family Literacy Internet Project – The focus of Family Literacy Internet Project is enhancing and supporting family literacy. This project places computers in homes and provides Internet access along with Information Technology (IT) training and support. We serve rural families living in low-income circumstances that have young children. Lots of online resources and activities for kids.

Homegrown Homeschool Consignment – located in Berwick, we are a family run business selling used homeschool curriculum, books, educational games and toys.

Jane Crossland-Young Tutoring Services, Kentville – Jane tutors in elementary, high school, community college and offers skills for studying GED and works with adaptable learning strategies. See more.

Kings Early Years Screening for Schools (KEYSS)- offers school Readiness Clinics for 3 and 4 year Old Children in Kings County, Nova Scotia.EMAIL

L’Association francophone de la Vallée, or the Francophone Association of the Valley is a non-profit organisation whose goal is to promote French and the francophone culture in our community. They offer a variety of programs and activities ranging from trips to the zoo to movie-making workshops to CPR courses in French. These activities are for all, young and old, who speak French or who are learning it. EMAIL

Kings Edgehill, located in Windsor, was founded in 1788 as Canada’s first independent School. An International Baccalaureate School since 1980, King’s-Edgehill equips its students for university life around the globe, not only by developing academic rigour, but also by inspiring athletic and artistic excellence, strength of character and community leadership in a manner by which students know they are participating in “Personal” and not just “Private” education.

Landmark East, located in Wolfville, is a co-ed international school for students diagnosed with learning disabilities in grades 3 through 12. We pride ourselves in being able to provide quality academic programs with personal growth experiences for our students.

Nova Scotia Sea School – provides transformational learning opportunities guided by the spirit of the sea, where each participant takes command of his or her own personal journey to be the best version of themselves. Programs are for ages 14+.

Valley Community Learning Association – besides offering programs in adult literacy, they offer frequent opportunities for families to write and publish books together for free.

Valley Read, Kentville – Offers a SpellRead program which is an explicit, intensive and comprehensive reading intervention.

West Hants Wellness Clinic for School Entry – ease the transition to school for children and families. The main goal is to build relationships between families, schools, and community agencies before the child begins school. The screening portion will help identify any developmental issues. In this way, intervention and support can be offered for the child and family prior to school entry. The Wellness Clinics are for three year old children who live in West Hants.

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