Cook an Egg in a Bag

How to Cook an Egg in a Bag

We decided to experiment with another form of outdoor cooking. This is another flashback to my days at Girl Guide camp. This one is cooking eggs and bacon in a paper bag over a fire.

Paper bag
Cooking spray, butter or shortening
2 strips of bacon
1 egg
Fire grill or roasting stick
Open fire


How to cook breakfast in a bag:
1. On the inside of the paper bag, smear shortening or butter or spray cooking spray. Make sure you cover the bottom and up 1/4 of the sides.


2. Lay two strips of uncooked bacon side by side on the bottom of the bag.


3. Crack an egg and pour it over the bacon.

4. Fold the top of the bag over several times.


5. Let the fire smolder down to coals.
6. If you are using a roasting stick, spear the top of the bag and hold it over the coals. If using a grill, place the grill over the coals and rest the bag on top.


7. Leave the bag over the coals for about 20 minutes. Peak inside to make sure the egg and bacon look cooked.

The end result:
The eggs and bacon cooked well. Even with the greased bag, it was still a bit tricky to get the food off the bag, so go slowly when you scrape it off.


The bacon and eggs tasted a bit smokey, but it worked! Another unique and fun way to cook a meal outside.


In our experiment we used a roasting stick, however, in Girl Guides we always used a grill. I think the grill works much better as you can set the bag down and walk away, whereas with the stick you have to constantly stand there. I did find a spot to rest the bag on some logs, but this did not work as well.



Happy Outdoor Cooking!


What ways have you experimented with?

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