Coldbrook Walking Trails

Coldbrook Walking Trails

Our friend Bridget knows that Ann and I go walking every week and that we like to explore new trails.
So, this morning she invited us along for a walk in the wooded trails near her home.

My sister-in-law has lived in this neighbourhood for about a decade, and I have no idea why we never explored these trails!
Perhaps it’s because they are not marked and it is so much better to go with a tour guide like Bridget!

These trails are open to the public, and they are a very well-kept secret.
They back onto the Kentville Bird Sanctuary that runs behind the Evergreen Nursing home and along Brooklyn Street to Coldbrook.

Here is the link to the section of the bird sanctuary trails in Kentville.


Official government information and explanation

To access the trails, head to the end of Pent Road in Coldbrook off Lovett Road.

Head through the wooden fence and the trail head is right there.

Please note! These trails are not marked!

We went with Bridget who guided us. She learned the trails from another neighbour.
This is not to say that the trails are not doable, but please use caution. Valley Family Fun is not responsible for your safety.

Go with a good sense of direction, and use the MAP APP on your phone, as there is reception in the woods.

A good rule of thumb that Bridget taught us is that if you are going in the morning, the sun is to your right and the meadow and river bed to your left.
Coming home, the sun is to your left and meadow/river to your right.

There are many paths and forks in the road, so you can spend a long time exploring and coming up with different combinations, as long as you maintain your bearings.


Bridget took us on a trail she calls the Pink Ribbon Trail because you are following a path that is marked by pink hunting tape.


This path weaved and winded through the woods near the edge of the river.

We came across 2 different forts, and some bottle art.




There are lots of bike trails as well. All of these paths also connect to the rail trail and in behind the Evergreen Nursing home in Kentville.

Bridget suggested leaving one car at the nursing home and the other at Pent Road. That way you could walk or bike through from one end to another.

The scenery was beautiful, and the company was superb!
I can’t wait to try the trails on my bike or on my snowshoes!


We are so fortunate to have such green spaces in our Valley! Please take advantage of them!



I love it when everything connects.

When doing an extended loop at the Kentville Bird Sanctuary we realized that the two trail systems connect.

This would be a great place to bike.
In fact, someone suggested leaving one car at the Evergreen Nursing Home and one on Pent Road in Coldbrook. Then, walk, bike or snowshoe from one end to the other!

For a full description, visit the Kentville Bird Sanctuary Trails blog post.

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  1. […] didn’t realize at the time, but when we did the Coldbrook Trails, this was our end turning point! We were seconds from the Kentville bird sanctuary […]

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