Just’A Spray Makes the Smell Go Away

Just'A Spray Makes the Smell Go Away: Product Review by Valley Family Fun www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Just’a Spray

**Disclosure: I received samples of this product to try in exchange for this review. All opinions are our own**

Q: Why was Tigger looking in the toilet?
A: He was looking for Pooh!

Who’s there?
Puh Who?
You just said POOH!!!

There is no denying that kids love poop.
They love talking about poop.
They love jokes about poop.
They think poop is hilarious.

Just not the smell.

There is a lot of really interesting things you can learn from poop.

Like this:

Or this Life cycle of poop:

But, have you ever really thought about why poop smells bad?

My Internet search revealed that the easy answer to the question of poop’s smell is bacteria.

The trillions of microorganisms that live in your gut (and the guts of other animals) produce a number of sulfurous compounds that pass out of the body along with the feces and give it its characteristic odor.

But now, thanks to Just’A Spray, you never have to worry about the smell of poop stinking up your house!






Spray as desired
into the toilet bowl.






Do your stinky business
wherever you have to go…






Leave the toilet smelling
better that you found it.




How Does Just’A Spray Work?
The before you go toilet spray Just’a Spray forms a film on the surface of the water that traps and eliminates bathroom odors. With no harsh chemicals, your smelliest secret is safe thanks to our amazing blends of essential oils.


Just’a Spray is available in 220ml and 9ml sprays.

Is It Safe For My Toilet? Is It Safe For The Next One That Enters The Bathroom?
Made from blends of essential oils, Just’a Spray is safe for all toilets and septic systems. It is safer than any air freshener or sprays you could find in the market today.


How Long Does It Last?
A 220 ml bottle of Just’a Spray has enough liquid to last for 250 uses or around 125 days & a 9ml spray has enough liquid to last for 25 uses or around 12 days.

Does it work?
You won’t believe it until you try it! I had some family remembers who refused to try the samples, but once they did, they were immediate converts.

It is honestly amazing. It really does work! I know our family will permanently be keeping this product in all our bathrooms!

Just’A Spray comes in 4 assorted scents:
Baby powder

Our favourite is the babypowder and key lime!

Try all 4 in a bundled pack!

Bottles come in a 220ml Spray or 9ml pocket-friendly Spray. These 9ml sprays are perfect for carrying in your purse or taking on your travels!

A 220 ml bottles retails for $12.99 and $6.66 for the 9 ml bottle.

How do I get it?
Just’a Drop is now sold in big box retail chains like WalMart, Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart. In Nova Scotia Just’A Spray can be found in Pharmachoice.

Or, order online and have it delivered right to your door!
Canadian orders typically take 2-10 Business days to arrive.

Order online today!

Special Deal! 40% off your order + a free 9ml



How to redeem: In your cart, write the coupon code in the coupon field, under the cart hit “Apply Coupon”

Just’A Spray Give Away!




Now is your chance to try Just’A Spray by winning a great trial pack!
Included is
4 x Just’a Spray 220ml assorted scents
4 x Just’a Spray 9ml assorted scents
1 $3 off coupon
10 x Just’a Spray samples to share with friends and family!


To win, you must follow/Like the Just’A Spray social media pages

Enter daily until July 8, 2015


For an extra ballot leave a comment to tell us why you want to try it or what flavour you think you will like the best!


Janken King

Janken King: How to play Rock, Paper Scissors with a Group

In Japan, they play rock paper scissors for everything. Need to know whose team goes first in a game? Who gets the last treat? Who has to clean up? Rock, paper, scissors. I wouldn’t be surprised to see politicians making important decisions this way! Everyone of every age plays the game! In Japan, the game is called Janken (jahn – ken). When I taught elementary school, Janken King was a favourite game. Here’s how to play Janken King.

Choose one child to be at the front of the room. He or she is the Janken King. All the children stand up and face the Janken King. On the word, GO, everyone plays rock, paper scissors against the Janken King. If you tie with or lose against the Janken King, you sit down. Keep going until the Janken King is pitted against the final children. If the last child standing beats the Janken King in rock, paper, scissors, then he/she is the new Janken King. If not, the Janken King goes for another round! In case you forget the rock, paper scissors rules: Rock_Paper_Scissors_diagram The kids can play this game for hours! What a great time filler, too!    


Random Acts of Kindness Day


How to plan a Community- Wide Random Acts of Kindness Day

In our church we have a group of women who regularly get together. One night we were brainstorming how we might help some seniors in our congregation. This lead to the discussion that there were probably quite a few people in the community who could use help.

This morphed into the idea of a Random Acts of Kindness day in the community.

Being the event coordinator, I was assigned with the task to make this happen.

I Googled in search of some ideas, but found there wasn’t any information posted similar to what we wanted to do, so all the information is what I created. In this post, I will include the forms to make it easier for you.



One Month Before the Event

Start publicizing the event.
Through the Church bulletin, the local column in the newspaper and personal connections, we started asking people to sign up as a volunteer, or to have a job done.

Here is the publicity blurb I used.

I also created a sign-up form that we passed out to people, and included in the bulletin. It was used for both volunteers and people requesting a job to be done.


Gather Supplies

Part of our Random Acts day would include a garbage clean up, so I contacted Clean Nova Scotia to get supplies.

Here’s how to get clean-up supplies in Nova Scotia.



Convincing People

I really didn’t need to convince people to sign up to help. Most people were eager to volunteer! In fact, we had whole families sign up who wanted to do projects together.

We also had a few people from a neighbouring town (with no connection to the village) who heard what we were doing and signed up to help because they thought it was a great idea!

Many people felt guilty for having us come to work for them! We had to convince them that it was ok!

In the future, I would suggest to them that they could bake cookies for the communal lunch, or offer a snack to those who come to labour for them!

One woman who was having work done at her house decided to pay it forward. She baked rolls for everyone in her neighbourhood as her random act!


Finding Jobs

Besides the jobs that people signed up to have done, I also contacted the village library, public school, private school, and village office to see what other jobs needed to be done in the community. A list of everything from gardening to sweeping the parking lot and washing chairs was created.


A Few Days Before

Knowing how most people are last minute, a few days before the big event, I wrote all the jobs out on chart paper.


I created intergenerational teams of people that I felt could do the jobs (based on age, gardening ability, etc). This is another advantage of being in a small village and knowing all the people!

Some families wanted to stay together, while some of the teenagers wanted to be on their own. However, everyone wanted to make a valuable contribution!

I assigned one individual as a team leader, so that people would know who to report to.

I sent out information sheets to each individual a few days before the event. This included the job location, team members’ names, and the tools that would be required.


Day of Event

Everyone gathered at 12pm for a picnic lunch. Cookies and lemonade were supplied. This made a great launching point.


On the wall, I posted all the chart paper with the jobs and volunteer names. It was a great visual to see just how many jobs were getting done.


After lunch, the teams grouped and set out to finish their tasks.

In total, we had over 75 volunteers doing tons of jobs around the community! They ranged in age from 3 to 73! There were meaningful jobs for everyone!

We gardened.


We washed windows.


We moved furniture for seniors.
We organized the library.


We washed chairs.


We picked up garbage.


We rocked it!!

We had budgeted for 3 hours, but found that most jobs were down within 1 to 1.5 hours, and that was enough time before people got too tired.
We were also lucky that the weather cooperated!


What Made it Easy

The day ran perfectly smoothly without a hitch.
Everyone worked hard. No one complained. Not even the youth who were mostly assigned to garbage detail! “We are doing it for the earth,” said one wise 7 year old!

A bit of pre-organization was all it took so that people knew where to be with whom and with what.

We ran this Random Acts of Kindness day in my hometown village (about 10 minutes from where I live now). It is a small community of around 1000 people – all of whom know each other. The spirit of helping is already strong in this community.

We also ran this event through the Church so we had a ready-made group of people.

It also made a difference in the small community because people were more comfortable having people they knew come to their homes to help with jobs rather than complete strangers. There was an added level of comfort and safety.

All in all, the Random Acts of Kindness was a huge success, and I highly recommend the idea to other groups and communities!

Feel free to write me with any questions on how to plan the day.

There is a great sense of accomplishment and team building that went into it. We were certainly proud at the end of the day.

I hope this will become an annual event that will just continue to grow!
Together we can do great things and be the change we want to see!


Sunglasses from SelectSpec


Select your Sunglasses from Select Specs!

**Disclosure: I received a free pair of sunglasses in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are my own**

Because my sister had such a positive experience ordering her glasses from SelectSpecs, I decided to try out their sunglasses!

Read her experience here

SelectSpecs does have prescription and non-prescription sunglasses. Being blessed with perfect vision, I just needed a basic pair of sunglasses.

I wear my sunglasses year round. I actually feel naked without them when I am outside or in the car. They are always with me, and I toss them into my purse.

They get a lot of wear and tear. I go through lots of pairs, and so I don’t want to spend a lot of money on sunglasses.

My current pair is a mess and are falling apart.


I have specific sunglasses rules.

My sunglasses cannot have a nose piece. When I put my sunglasses on top of my head, because I have curly hair, it instantly wraps itself around the nose piece. I’ve had to cut more than one pair of sunglasses out of my hair!

No nose pieces.

I also like to stay in my box. Tortoise shell sunglasses is as about outrageous as I get.

Lucky me! When I logged on to SelectSpecs, lo and behold! There was a cheap pair of tortoise-shelled sunglasses without a nose piece. As an added feature, they have UV400 protection.

Cheap Sunglasses Here


They were calling my name.

So I ordered them.

The sunglasses cost $9.60 with $11 for shipping.

I ordered them on May 11 and they arrived 10 days later on May 21st!
And, they came with a really nice carrying case and cleaning cloth, so they won’t get so dirty and scratched when I throw them in my purse!


There are hundreds of sunglasses to choose from! Prescription or not. Ladies’, Men’s and children’s!

And, they come right to your door, without having to fight the traffic!

The next day when I was out wearing them, a friend commented on my great sunglasses!
All from SelectSpecs! And, they could be yours, too!

They are great quality. The pattern is not painted on, so it will not peel. They are light weight, comfortable, and I love them!


And, I can wear them in my hair!


Order yours today from SelectSpecs!



A Compulsion for Lists


Lists, Lists and more Lists! A Compulsion for lists

I am a little bit of a list fanatic.

People ask me how I stay organized, especially when I have so many contract jobs I am working on.
I tell them, I keep lists.

Well, maybe they don’t realize the extent of my lists.

I have lists everywhere.

Every time I think of something that I have to do, want to do, or should do, I write it down.
But, depending on what it is, is where the item gets recorded.

I really find that making lists helps to deal with the mental clutter. If I write it down, it’s not floating around in my head, taking down space. I can let it go. 

See, I have a list on the fridge for our grocery shopping and menu plan.


I have a list on the counter for the housework jobs I want to do each day.


I have so many lists at my desk. One for the tasks I need to do.


One for what I’ll post on Facebook each day


My topics for daily blog posts. They are all recorded.


Those are the task-specific lists. But, I also have random lists.
One in my purse.


One by my bedside table to record my late-night or early-morning stream of consciousness.


Even one in the bathroom.


I have also been known to grab a washable marker and make lists while I am in the shower!


No, my brain never shuts off.

My husband says that I should switch over to keeping my tasks on an electronic device. Like refusing to switch to an e-reader, I just can’t lose the old-fashioned pen and paper list making.

I love my plethora of fun notepads! I love the joy of crossing something off a list when it is complete, or combing several lists to make one new one!

Yes, I am that anal.
Please tell me that I am not the only one! Does anyone else out there love lists as much as me?
Let me know!

And, I’ll add it to my list to get back to you!


Best New Spring Toys


The Best New Spring Toys!

*Disclosure: I received these toys in exchange for this blog post and give my followers a chance to win some cool things! All opinions are our own*

When I was contacted about doing a review of some super-cool new spring toys, I jumped at the chance!
Not that these toys are geared primarily towards girls, but I thought my nieces would enjoy them more than my sons, so I employed their help!

11048732_10155566591735440_2752443897117189191_nPlus, it makes me look like the best auntie ever!

So, to test these new toys I enlisted the help of my nieces Isla (5), Lahrin (3) and their mom, Tracy (age undisclosed).


Here’s what these professional testers had to say:

There was a job to do and I knew two capable young ladies to get the job done!

I explained to my oldest daughter (5 years old) that we had some toys to play with but it wasn’t for fun, it was for the greater good of toys everywhere.

Her response was, “I’m so excited I could burst!”

So we popped open the box of toys and set to work. Little sister (3 years old) was thrilled to help Big Sis.

It was hard to choose where to start with such pretty options but we decided to take one for the team and start with glitter.


Glitzi Globes

Kids can make them up, then shake them up with the cutest DIY snow globes around, Glitzi Globes™! Bring the Disney Princess enchantment home with our new products, available now at ToysRUs and Wal Mart!




(Approx. Retail Price: $29.99/Ages 5 years and up/Available: Now)
Girls can create a Glitzi Globes™ world full of enchantment with the Gliitzi Globes Princess Pageant. The princess playset includes a globe maker, four mini domes, four display bases, seven characters, one mega dome, three mega characters and fun glitter items to add some sparkle. Girls will love showing off their Glitzi Globe collection with this magical playset! Available at ToysRUs and Wal Mart!

(Approx. Retail Price: $17.99/Ages 5 years and up/Available: Now)
Make them up and shake them up with the Glitzi Globes™ Disney Princess Jewelry Pack! This pack contains four Disney Princess characters and everything kids need to create Glitzi accessories! With a necklace, bracelet and ring included in this pack, kids can pop and swap their Disney Princess characters to create magical jewelry. Available at ToysRUs and Wal Mart!

globe4Isla and Lahrin tested the GLITZI GLOBES™ – DISNEY PRINCESS PAGEANT
Glitzi Globes are a Disney themed DIY snow globe kit. This was a FABULOUS toy to do together; it would make a great rainy day craft.

The box said for ages 5+ but some of the tiny pieces were a bit tricky for Big Sis.

globe3Little Sis loved the convenient water bottle that came with it to make filling the globes up much easier. She said the water bottle was “magical”.


Mommy loved it because the glitter came in pellets that dissolved in the water after the globe was sealed, so I wasn’t sweeping up glitter for days.

Kid Response: “Can we buy this again?!” (uttered while jumping up and down) Four thumbs up!
Parent Response: There was very little mess. Two thumbs up!


More info


Moose Toys™ & Red Planet Group introduces Beados Glitter to its popular arts and crafts line in spring 2015. Girls can make all new characters and designs, now with a glitter finish. Make dazzling creations with these magical joining beads. Girls can choose a template, add some beads and spray them with water. No heat, no glue, no mess!

Once dry, the beads are fused together to become cute designs. Kids can place their designs on the enclosed display stands and use the connectable play pads and scene cards to create a Beados world of their own.

Beados was a Walmart Chosen by Kids Award winner in fall 2014 and is available at ToysRUs Canada and is appropriate for age four and up. Beados has launched a brand new season with even more design options and a little added sparkle! The line ranges $12.99 – $34.99.

(Approx. Retail Price: $12.99/Ages 4 years & up/Available: Now at ToysRUs)
The Beados™ Refill Pack is the perfect way to add new designs to a growing Beados world, which includes all of the tools they need to bring their creations to life. Available in three different themes, including Camping Out, Pony Stables, and Royal Nursery.



(Approx. Retail Price: $17.99/Ages 4 years & up/Available: Now at ToysRUs)
NEW Glitter! Beginning a Beados™ world is easy with the Beados Starter Pack! Offering out-of-the-box play, the Starter Pack includes 400 beads, one Pod Pen, two design trays, and a spray bottle, so kids can bring imaginative designs to life with just a few sprays. This pack also comes with six design templates, an instruction booklet and four pods for the interchangeable Pod Pen to help kids organize their beads by color. Two connectors and a display stand allow kids to show off their designs.

(Approx. Retail Price: $34.99/Ages 4 years & up/Available: Now at ToysRUs)
The Beados™ NEW Glitter Quick Dry Station is the all-in-one kit for creating plenty of Beados fun! The included 500 beads, two display trays, six design templates, spray bottle and quick dry fan give kids everything they need to create cute designs and dry them in half the time. Bead Pod storage makes organizing beads by color easy and cleanup a breeze while the included suction cups, display stand, and connector give kids a way to play with and proudly display their creations.

For this review, the girls tried the BEADOS™ Glitter STARTER PACK
When we first opened the box I was reminded of Perler beads, you know the ones that you iron and they melt together…if you grew up in the 80s/90s you know what I’m talkin’ about.

Beados is a similar idea but you don’t need heat, you just need a spray bottle of water (included, of course).

Bead3This craft was no good for Little Sis, she quickly became frustrated with the patterns and the tiny beads. The box says for ages 4+ but Little Sis who is a few months away from 4 couldn’t master it and even Big Sis had to focus to get it done.

The plus to this toy is that it comes with a battery operated fan to help dry your creations faster. Little Sis was put in charge of the on/off switch and sorting the beads into the tray.Bead4

Big Sis used the patterns and with a bit of help created some pretty cool stuff.

Kid Response: “It’s so cool that water can do that.”- Big Sis
“Me like that fan” – Little Sis
Four thumbs up

Parent Response: “It was a good idea but maybe for children ages 6-8. One thumb up

More Info


Little Live Pets

Little Live Pets are your new, cool pet friends that move, feel, sound and act so REAL!

LiveLittlePetsYour pet bird will respond to your touch, chirp, whistle, sing and even talk back to you! The more you interact with your bird best friend, the more playful it becomes!

Your pet butterfly comes to life in your hands as it flutters like a real butterfly! Your butterfly loves playing and feeding from its flower!
Little Live Pets Owl & Baby ($26.99)


IslaLivePetI’m not going to lie, I tried to avoid opening this toy. I despise noise toys; especially ones that repeat things back to you and have prerecorded music in them.

I’m the parent that takes the batteries out of toys and tells her kids that the sound doesn’t work anymore.

I knew without question that I would hate this toy, so I kept delaying our test run of the cute little Mommy and Baby owl set.

Then Big Sis put her foot down, “We have to try it out so we can let other kids know if it’s good or not”. So with a heavy heart I popped open the box and flipped the switch from “test” to “on”.

Well, let me tell you, that laughs have not stopped at our house. Mommy Owl not only coos a few lovely songs to her baby but also, with the touch of a button, records what you say and repeats it back in a higher pitch.

It reminds me of Alvin and the Chipmunks and it’s hilarious.

It only records a few seconds and doesn’t have any memory to store what you say.
We have had endless fun and many belly laughs.

Just watch!

Baby Owl is not as much fun as Mommy Owl, she doesn’t have a record button but if you hold her up to the Mommy she makes eating sounds and then lets out a big burp.
Little Sis finds the burp quite amusing every time and when we had our boy cousins over (7 and 8 years old) there were lots of owl burps heard throughout the house.

Little Live Pets would make a great gift and I know for sure we will be buying at least one more set.

Kid Response: Lots of laughing. Four thumbs up
Parent Response: Of the toys we tried out, this was my favorite and is the toy that has been played with the most.

I will be buying more of these to keep on hand for birthday party gifts. Two thumbs way up!!


Now, it’s your chance to WIN some of these new toys!

You can enter to win
Beados Glitter Starter Pack ($17.99)
Little Live Pets Single Bird ($14.99)

Enter daily until June 17, 2015 by clicking on the banner ad.


For an extra ballot, leave a comment and tell us which toy you think your children (or you!) would most like to play with!


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