Easy Drawer Reorganization


Ultimate Drawer Organization

It all started from a conversation at book club when Barb started talking about a book that she was using to help organize her home.

Although I knew I wouldn’t be able to complete the entire rigorous routine, there was one part that stuck with me: How to organize a draw or shirts!

My boys’ shirts are a mess. This is NOT a posed picture!


They have far too many t-shirts. They get them from Frenchys, travelling, as hand-me-downs – and they love them all!

I tried to put the most recently worn ones on the bottom so they would wear the ones on the top to cycle through them, but NO! They just paw through them finding the one they want, leaving a disaster in their wake!

That is until I learned this simple new method!

Remove all the shirts from the drawer.
Try to part with at least a few!
Then, I folded the shirts and rolled them so the print was showing on the top.
Then, I placed the shirts in neat rows!

Now, when they open their drawers, they can easily see all of their shirts at once and pick the one they want to wear without making a mess!


What a difference!



Need help getting organized? 

Contact Your Last Resort Home Organization and Staging Annapolis Valley to have us come in and sort, declutter and reorganize your home to help you turn your home into your resort. 


Setting World Records

Setting a world record by Valley Family Fun www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Making World Records

When my husband was a child, he loved to sit and read the Guinness Book of World Records. It is no wonder then, that he is now a walking encyclopedia!

You can imagine his delight when our sons started to show an interest.
Out came all his old books, and they started buying the new editions.

For his birthday, the boys and I scrounged used book stores to get copies of old volumes that he didn’t have yet.

Story times often involve reading the Guinness Book of World Records.
They quiz one another at supper time.

So, when Daniel (8) said he wanted to break a world record, it came as no surprise.

Besides, Thomas and I were have certificates from 2012 when we joined with K-Rock 89.3 to be the “Most People Playing Musical Instruments at Once in a Parking Lot” on RecordSetter’s World Record Day on April 28, 2012. It was very cold, very windy, but we were brave and made a lot of noise anyway!

And, we did it!

Here’s the video proof!

Daniel came up with his own record that he wanted to set.

The fastest 120 foot run juggling 2 croquet balls.

Here’s the proof:

And he did it! He set the record.
He was a very happy and proud boy!

According to RecordSetter.com, there are millions of records waiting to be set.
On the website, they list some basic guidelines to ensure your world record stands out.

What will your record be?



VIA Rail Scavenger Hunt


VIA Rail Scavenger Hunt

The story is legendary in our house. When we were young, VIA Rail ran through the Valley from Yarmouth to Halifax. Unfortunately, this service ended in the early 1990s.

When I was three years old, my parents saved up to take me on a train ride between Kentville and Wolfville.

Their mistake was that they gave me an apple for a snack.
Apparently, the entire ride, I refused to look out the window and just concentrated on my apple. My dad tried to point things out to me, but to no avail.

I shall never live it down.

To keep my kids focused on our upcoming train journey, my husband and I came up with an activity.

To celebrate marking days, I took the boys on VIA Rail from Halifax to Moncton. This summer, like most summers, VIA has an incredible deal where aged 2-11 kids can travel for special deals (STC)

And, if you collect Air Miles, you can cash in some points for a VIA Rail gift card!

This is a 4.5 hour journey, and I knew I would need some activities to keep the kids entertained.

I tried doing some Pinterest and Google searches and came up blank. So, we created our own.


VIA RAIL Scavenger Hunt

Although this scavenger hunt is for VIA Rail, it could be used on any train ride!

We created a scavenger hunt of things that the boys needed to find out the window, as well as a list of things on the train that they needed to take pictures of.

Click here to upload the scavenger hunt in a PDF format. 

This was a huge success, and the kids loved completing the hunt.


Here are some of the funny things the kids had to take pictures of

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Mount Uniacke House Museum and Trails


Uniacke Estate Museum Park

*Disclosure: I received a Nova Scotia Museum Pass in exchange for writing about the various museums we visit*

Uniake Estate Museum Park has always been one of my favourite places to go hiking. I just wis it were a little bit closer to the Valley, because I would be going all the time!

Located in Mount Uniacke, between Halifax and Windsor, Uniacke Estate Museum Park is part of what was the expansive country estate of Attorney-General Richard John Uniacke (1753-1830). Built 200 years ago between 1813 and 1815, the grand country house is one of the finest examples of Georgian architecture in Canada. The estate offers visitors a vivid glimpse of life in the early 1800s among Nova Scotia’s gentry.

Here’s what the website says:
Built as a summer home for Richard John Uniacke, a Nova Scotian Attorney-General, the estate was prominently located along the stage coach route from Halifax to Windsor, a testimony to Uniacke’s wealth and personal achievement.

The family summered in the area as early as the 1790s, probably staying in a farmhouse on the original land grant. Construction of the new house and out-buildings began in 1813 and was completed three years later. Although he maintained a house in Halifax, Uniacke would spend most of his time living in semi-retirement at the estate.


And what an estate it is. Set in the middle of nowhere, with an incredible landscape, this place would have made the perfect get-away!


We began our visit with a hike. There are actually 8 trails at the Estate.


Trail map

I’ve only ever done two of them. I love them so much that we keep doing the same ones!
We started with the Red Spruce Loop. This is a 1.5km loop hike near the lake’s edge.


The Red Spruce Loop is described as:
Challenging walk of high difficulty.
Encounter magnificent hemlock; a stand of straight Red spruce, Nova Scotia’s provincial tree; brooks and a mossy bog. Return along the edge of Lake Martha (also known as Uniacke Lake)

I did not tell the boys that we were starting with a hike, for I could anticipate the response: NO!

But, as soon as we started out, I heard, “Mommy, this is way better than we thought it would be!”

Although listed as difficult and challenging, a 5 year old could easily do this trail. There are a lot of exposed roots, boggy/wet spots which makes it a bit rough going.


But, the scenery is beautiful and we even saw a snake sunning itself!


The hikes are incredibly well sign posted to tell you which way to go and which way NOT to go!


The Red Spruce hike took us about 45 minutes to walk.


Following the hike, we entered into the museum using our Museum pass.

The house is set up like in Uniacke’s time, using artefacts from the family.
The boys completed a scavenger hunt, looking for various artefacts around the museum.


The curators were wonderful and told us much about life at the estate in the 1800s.


We stayed in the museum for about 20 minutes as the boys have a low attention span and I find it stressful watching them constantly so they aren’t touching everything! But, there was plenty in the museum to keep them interested!


Next, we went on the Drumlin Field Hike.

The website says:
Field Trail; Veers off the Loop through woodland along the lakeshore, panoramic view of the house at the top of the drumlin

Although 2km, this trail is much easier to traverse, taking only about 20minutes.

It is a gravel trail, so suitable for strollers.


At the top of the hill there is a beautiful view of the estate. And, apparently, 2 of the Uniake horses are buried up there somewhere!

To walk the trails, you do not need to have a museum pass or pay admission.

• The trails available year-round
• ample parking located by Uniacke House during museum operating season
• picnic tables on site
• toilet facilities located near the Trailhead (closed in the off season)
The museum also offers guided walks and camps for children throughout the summer.


Directions: Uniacke Estates is about 45 minutes from the Kentville area. It’s best to take the Exit at St. Croix on the 101 (Exit 4) and head on the back road to the Museum.

I can’t wait to go back again and try some of the other trails!
Uniacke Estate is well worth the visit, whether for the hikes, the museum or both! I wish it were a little bit closer to the Valley, because I would be going all the time!



Cleaning up with Kandoo

Cleaning up with Kandoo by Valley Family Fun www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Cleaning up with Kandoo

*Disclosure: I received samples of Kandoo to try in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are my own**

Whether it’s potty training or keeping clean, Kandoo is all about helping kids find their “Kid-Dependence” while helping moms keep their sanity!

While everyone says that our kids won’t go to college in diapers, that’s not always the most helpful advice when you’re in the thick of potty training. Luckily, there are lots of moms that have already mastered the potty training challenge and are more than willing to share their best tips. Kandoo is sharing 25 Potty Training Tips from Real Moms!

Children's legs hanging down from a chamber-pot on a blue background

What would you add to the list?

Sure makes me thankful that we are past the potty training stage!


Kandoo products

With products that give kids the tools they need to stay clean – in fun scents and packaging that make kids WANT to do it themselves. We focus on Potty Training Season in the spring and summer, and keeping toddlers clean with foaming hand soap and scrubbing bubbles.

Our kids love this foaming soap that is fun to use and smells great!
My sister loves this soap because it is not anti-bacterial!
It’s a keeper!

A $0.50 off coupon is always live on the site


Let’s Get Social

Instagram: @KandooKids
Twitter: @KandooKids


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