Valley Massage Therapy Clinic

Valley Massage Therapy Clinic

Review of Valley Massage Therapy Clinic in Kentville, NS by
When Danielle de Graaf approached me about coming in to learn more about the Valley Massage Therapy Clinic, I jumped at the chance.

DanielleI have known Danielle for many years, but mostly in the capacity of mommies, as we are on the school PTA together. In that capacity, let me tell you that Danielle is one of the most reliable people around. If she says she is going to do something, it gets done. I respect that a whole lot.

So, last summer when I had a severe ankle injury and Danielle told me she could get rid of the swelling through a manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage, I knew she’d be able to do it!

Since then, Danielle has taken over the Valley Massage Therapy Clinic, located on the bottom floor of the Town Square mall in Kentville.


She invited me to come in and see the new location, and while there, to try another manual lymph node drainage massage – but this time, not for my foot, but a basic relaxation and stress-reliever version.

Who could say no to that?

What  is a MLD Massage?

According to the website:
This method was developed in the 1930s to help individuals who suffer from lymphedema (a protein rich swelling). Lymphedema can occur post-trauma or surgery, from a malformed lymphatic system (the system that includes your lymph nodes and has a role in immune function.

MLD is commonly used in North America for individuals who have lymphedema from a
mastectomy operation, and with individuals where their lymphatic system cannot handle the amount of excess fluid produced.

MLD consists of gentle, non-invasive, lotion free techniques that stimulate the lymphatic vessels to pick up excess fluid, proteins, dust, dyes, viruses, bacteria, dead cells, lactic acid, and fats that are in the tissues and extracellular space.

The techniques are sequential, repetitive, and relaxing.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage can also be used for general inflammation from orthopedic conditions, such as tendonitis, sprains and strains, fractures, headaches, migraines, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, jaw pain (TMJ), and much more.

The technique has also been beneficial with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, stress and depression, burns and detoxification.

Valley Massage Therapy Clinic in Kentville NS

My Visit

When I arrived at the Valley Massage Therapy Clinic I was immediately greeted by friendly staff. Then, Danielle met me and explained the procedure that she was going to do on me.

Valley Massage Therapy Clinic, Kentville

Although I wasn’t presenting with any specific ailments, she said she was going to conduct an MLD massage on my neck and head.

After stripping from the waist up, I climbed on the bed and laid under the blanket. And, it was warm!
Many massage places, I find, are so cold. I really mind the cold, so it felt so relaxing to climb into a bed with a heated pad. Thank you, Danielle!

Valley Massage Therapy Clinic

The 45 minute session consisted of Danielle using very gentle pressure on my neck, shoulders and head. I could feel myself slipping into deeper and deeper relaxation.

When she worked on my jaw, there was an immediate lightening feeling and lifting. I could feel sensations there – and had no idea the amount of tension that I was holding in my face.

After the entire procedure, I felt so relaxed, and lighter. It wasn’t until I stood up that I realized how much lighter I felt. My head was light and I was dizzy – like the fluid really was being drained from me. I felt calm and peaceful. If you know me, you know that I am not a calm and peaceful person by nature.

This was a great feeling, and one I could get used to.

Danielle warned me that this fluid would be draining from me, and I’d probably be peeing a whole lot more! Which was also true!

It felt great to have the stress and fluid all drain away! This is what happened when Danielle worked on my foot last summer, using the same techniques (except that time on my leg). The swelling was significantly reduced and I felt so much better for having gone.

Massage is Great for Children and Youth!

We don’t often think about taking our kids for massage, but it’s something we should seriously think about, whether they have sports injuries, are anxious, or just need some help relaxing!


If you are looking to have a massage treatment – whether it is to try the MLD, a pregnancy, hot stone or therapeutic massage, then definitely check out the services at the Valley Massage Therapy Clinic.

You will be well taken care of by Danielle – with the warm bed and warm hands and warm heart.

Looking for Osteopathy, especially for children? Look no further than Valley Massage Therapy Clinic! 

Osteopathy and children at the Valley Massage Therapy Clinic with



Valley Massage Therapy Clinic is located on the bottom floor of the Town Square mall in Kentville.


This is the building next to Tim Hortons where CIBC is located. My kids call this the “mirror building”!

10 Webster Street, Suite 104, Kentville
Call to make your appointment today!

Valley Massage Therapy Clinic


Heart Shaped Pond Walking Trails

Walking Trails at the Heart Shaped Pond at the Hemlock Ravine, Halifax


One of my childhood friends introduced me to this park when we were in university. Had she not taken me here, I don’t think I would have known it existed!

There are no directional signs, so you kind of have to know it’s there. As a result, it’s a hidden gem right off the Bedford Highway!

We used to call it the Bedford Heart Shaped Pond.
Now, I find out, it’s actually in Halifax (before you get to the Bedford border) and it’s really called the Hemlock Ravine!


History Behind the Park

Originally built in 1780 for Lieutenant Governor John Wentworth, Hemlock Ravine is now a great urban park.

Located off of the Bedford Highway, this park is tucked in behind some housing and apartment complexes but you would never know you are in the city once you enter the trail system.  

The trails are well marked and the paths are well maintained. Dogs are welcome and do not have to be on a leash in some parts of the park.  

Heart-Shaped Pond

When you arrive at the Park, immediately in front of you is the heart-shaped pond. YES! It is literally a pond in the shape of a heart!


Originally an oval, it was changed into a heart in the 1860s to commemorate a royal visit.

It’s quite shallow, and a great place for ducks to come hang out. This was probably the favourite part for the boys – just hanging out at the pond, watching the ducks, and walking around and around the heart-shaped perimeter.


Walking Trails

To be honest, I don’t think we ever did the walking trails in the park. We mostly came to hang out at the pond.
There is a series of great trails within the park.

You can choose lots of different routes and lengths for your hike within the 200 acre boundaries of the park.
The main trails are 3 interconnected loops of around 1 km each. The farthest point in the park is the ravine area and a high point which overlooks the Bedford Basin.

Before you hike, take a picture of the map at the park entrance and plot your route!


All the trails within the park are well labelled, however, you need to know/remember which one you want to take.

The park isn’t that big that you can’t just wander around and eventually come out, but I like to know where I am and where I’m going. And the kids like to know “how much longer they have to walk!”


There are several off-shoot trails that lead to different residential areas. These are not labeled. So, just stick to the labeled trails.


We made up a route that involved most of the trails and walked the perimeter of the park (but never did see the look off over the Bedford Basin).

Our route took us about 45 minutes and was 2.5km. But, there are so many possible combinations.

These trails are definitely stroller and toddler friendly. They are wide gravel paths that are easy to navigate!


How to Get There

There are lots of different access points, but the only parking lot is off of Kent Avenue.
When driving along the Bedford Highway towards Halifax, cross the “Bedford city line”. Keep an eye out on your left for the Princess Pavilion (or that’s what we call it!)


Immediately across the road is Kent Avenue. It’s a short, dead-end street, and easy to miss!
Drive to the top and you will find a parking lot on the left. You can’t miss it.


Definitely check out the heart-shaped pond the next time you are in the city! You’ll be surprised at what you find!

For Children with Love Books

For Children with Love Books by Catherine Gibson


*Disclosure: I received a copy of books by author Catherine Gibson to review. All opinions are our own.*

For Children With Love was founded by Catherine Gibson. She decided through her experiences and the experiences of many others that came into her life and touched her heart that she had to give back. She does this under the For Children With Love banner giving proceeds of every book to various charities.

To do this, Catherine Gibson writes books with a positive message, teaching love and acceptance of others.

We received two of her books to review: Coach Bob & Me and What’s Your Something Special. Because of the language, length and concepts, both books are best suited for mid-elementary school and up (ages 7 +).

Coach Bob & Me

Here’s what the website says:
High school can be tough, especially when you don’t feel like you’re part of the team. That’s the situation Stefan found himself in and he probably would have stayed there forever. But a wheelchair-bound coach saw more in Stefan than he saw in himself. Coach Bob’s encouragement changed everything for Stefan and the boy learned a valuable lesson that benefits everyone who knows it.
Beautiful full color illustrations enhance this wonderful story of overcoming obstacles and gaining confidence.

When you Read Coach Bob & Me

One of the main themes found in this book is about goal setting. A lot of younger children might not know what a goal is. This might be a new concept, so be sure to explain it.

When you read this book with your child, ask the following questions:
What does it mean to have a goal? What is a goal?
What is your biggest goal?
What do you want to go for?

Pick a goal you want to work towards this month, and let’s start doing it!
My kids love goal setting. Each season we pick a different goal for them to work on. Sometimes it is cursive writing, or it could be learning a new bike trick! It doesn’t matter what it is, they pick!

What’s Your Something Special?

Here’s what the website says:
Samantha was special. But sometimes she just wanted to be like the other kids who could run and jump and play. Samantha’s wheelchair didn’t allow her to do any of those things. One day, a mysterious circus magician gave her a pair of sunglasses that helped her see things a different way. In the process, she found it was her heart, not her wheelchair that made her special.
Beautifully illustrated, What’s Your Something Special? shows the power of perseverance and puts children on the road to discovering the unique qualities inside each of us.

When you Read What’s Your Something Special?

The main theme in this book is discovering what makes you special and unique and how you can use that something special to make the world a better place.

Ask these questions when you read the book:
What is something special about you?
How can you use that something special to make the world a better place? How can you use it at school? With your friends?
What do you think is something special about your siblings? Your friends?

These books would be great to use in a classroom or with a community group like Guiding, Scouting and Sunday School to generate conversation.

These books, and others from Catherine Gibson can be ordered online.

Easter Family Fun 2016

Easter Activities in the Valley, 2016

Easter 2016
There is no shortage of activities to do for Easter in the Valley! Know of one that’s not on the list? Email to have it added.

On Going

County Fair Mall, New Minas –  The Easter Bunny will be in Centre Square of the County Fair Mall, New Minas from March 18 to March 26. Bring your camera and come for a visit!


Saturday, March 19

Easter Party. March 19th 9-11am. Berwick Baptist Church
Join the recreation department and Barbara from the Berwick Library for an Easter egg hunt, a story walk, an Easter craft, face painting and a visit with the Easter Bunny. Please pick up a free ticket from the Berwick Town Hall Offices, or the Berwick Library before March 17th. Ages 10 and under.

Easter Craft Time at Sobeys, New Minas. 1-3pm

Easter on the Wing, Greenwood.
Saturday, March 19 from 1 to 3:00 p.m.  at the Community Centre.  It’s time to hop on down the bunny trail with your friends from the GMFRC and the 14  Wing Community Centre as we come together for this annual family event! Everyone is invited to join us for an afternoon of family fun with games, cookie decorating, face painting, crafts, and a special visit from the Easter Bunny. Families will also have the opportunity to have pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. no registration required

Wednesday, March 23

Easter at the Kentville Market, hunt for Easter eggs, vendor Easter bonnet contest, community garden table, celebrate spring! 10am-2pm.

Saturday, March 26

Easter Eggstravaganza, Annapolis Royal. Activities all day from 8:30 to 4:30 in Annapolis Royal.

Easter Egg Hunt, Woodville Community Centre. 10am. The  Annual  Easter  Egg  Hunt  is  being  held  on  Saturday,  March 26th at 10:00am. No peeking, so please don’t come early, It takes time for the Easter Bunny and Melissa to work their magic. Bags will  be  provided  for  the  children  to  use and  there  will  be  other  treats  to  eat  and  hot chocolate to warm tummies and cold hands. Please bring an item for the local food bank

Community Easter Egg Hunt, Kentville at the Salvation Army at 11am. Easter egg hunt for children, games, crafts, family-friendly movie and food provided.
Easter egg hunt for children, games, crafts, family-friendly movie and food provided.

Easter Egg Hunt at the Falmouth Community Hall, 1pm. Join us for our first Annual Easter Egg Hunt! This event is free to all who wish to attend. Please note the rain date will be Monday, March 28th if weather doesn’t cooperate on Saturday.

Easter Hike at Castle Frederick, Falmouth, 1pm
Are you looking for a simple, outdoor activity for your family on Easter Weekend? Saturday, March 26, 1pm-3pm we will host an Easter Hike! $5 per person, (under 3 free) which includes Campfire, marshmallows & Easter Bunny treats. The Bunny Trail is a 750 metre loop. All of our trails are open as well if you would like to plan a longer hike. (Please message us to preregister so we know how many people to expect.)

Easter Egg and Treasure Hunt, Windsor. 3:30pm. Community Easter Egg and Treasure Hunt
Saturday March 26, 2016; 3:30-5:00pm; Windsor Baptist Church; 411 King Street Windsor
Everyone Welcome! for more information contact Pastor Jen at 902-798-2465

Easter Story Time in Hantsport at the library at 10:30.
Please join us for a fun-filled hour of Easter themed stories, rhymes, games and crafts. For ages 2-6 and their caregivers. For more information please call the branch during open hours 902-684-0103 or online at

Mongolie Grill



Mongolie Grill

Mongolie Grill
The Mongolie Grill is probably our all-time favourite place to eat in Halifax!

Located at 1645 Granville Street it always seems to be the place we eat after going to the Discovery Centre!

Mongolie Grill

When you go into the restaurant there is a huge buffet.

Mongolie Grill

Grab a metal bowl and start filling it to your heart’s desire.
You are creating your very own stir fry with your choice of noodles, meat, veggies, and even sauce.
Just remember that you are paying by the weight. It doesn’t take long to add up!

Mongolie Grill
The kids also love eating here because they can pick exactly what they want to have in their stir fry! They have complete control over their own meal.

Mongolie Grill

We also love it because it is a quick and healthy option for the whole family!

Mongolie Grill

A great place for kids and families, or a night out with friends, try the Mongolie Grill in Halifax!

Mongolie Grill


Mock Duck

Mock Duck: Pork Chops + Stuffing = Easy Dinner

Mock Duck
This was a favourite of ours when we were kids. I had completely forgotten about this recipe until one day I found pork chops in my freezer! I called Mom and asked her for the recipe.

It was so easy I didn’t have to write it down.

Best of all, the kids loved it because it combined 2 of their favourite things: meat and stuffing, but in an unusual way.

How to Make Mock Duck

Mock Duck
Pork Chops = Stuffing = Easy Family Dinner
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  1. Pork Chops (1 Per Person)
  2. Stove Top Stuffing (or homemade version)
  1. Line pork chops on a baking dish
  2. Mix stuffing according to directions.
  3. Cover each pork chop with stuffing.
  4. Cover pork chops with tin foil.
  5. Bake at 350 until pork chops are cooked through - about 30-40 minutes
Valley Family Fun

Mock DuckMock DuckIMG_2960 Mock Duck



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