The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin
The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin
I have known Christy Ann Conlin for a few years. I can’t remember when we actually first met, but I have always enjoyed our coffee dates.
She’s given me lots of advice on my own writing projects and we share the same birthday. You can’t get better than that!
When I heard Christy Ann had a new book coming out, I couldn’t wait to read it!
Here’s what the website says:
Haunting Gothic elements are exquisitely re-imagined in this strange tale of madness, murder and dark secrets set on the rugged Bay of Fundy coast by the acclaimed author of Heave.
The Memento tells the story of Fancy Mosher as she lives and works in the servants’ quarters at Petal’s End, a formerly illustrious private land surrounded by dense forest belonging to the famed Parker family.
Since the Great War, the estate has been slowly crumbling at the same rate as the family’s reputation. Fancy grows up listening to her family’s ghost stories and watching the Parkers from a safe distance with her best friend, Art, but the summer she turns twelve she not only learns that her family has been hiding a terrifying truth about who she is and what she is capable of, she also begins to experience firsthand the magnitude of secrets and horrors held within the estate’s walls and buried in its lush gardens–secrets and lies that come to haunt Fancy and the large, fabulous cast of Petal’s End, all of whom refuse to move on from a dying way of life.
Christy Ann Conlin gives us a lyrical and chilling meditation on human nature and the manner of recollection in this captivating ghost story where webs of memories haunt and distort reality and ultimately destroy those who weave them.
My Thoughts
Before The Memento was launched, Christy Ann and I had talked quite a bit about the writing process, and where some of the ideas had come from. I couldn’t wait to see them in print. I wasn’t disappointed!
I love reading books that take place in the area because you can perfectly imagine the scene. You can picture the Bay of Fundy shoreline and know how remote areas on the North Mountain can be. It’s the perfect setting for a novel. Especially a scary one.
Throughout The Memento you are left wondering what is real, or what in the past haunting the characters. I loved the interwoven ghost stories (especially the one from Japan as I used to live there!) and not knowing which character was actually in charge of the story.
Because we are going to be reading the book with our book club, I kept thinking about a lot of discussions I want to have:
1. How much are we a product of our parents? Are we bound to repeat their behaviours? Did any characters break free of their parents’ fate?
2. What happens when we ignore or try to change the past? Are we every fully able to do this? Or, will the past always come back to haunt us?
3. How does the isolated, remote setting of this book influence the story? Could this story have taken any other place?
4. What happens to Melissa?
Baking with the Memento
I love to bake, so I always pay attention to what special food is mentioned in the book. The characters in The Memento mention several times a Lady Dundee cake.
I had to investigate. My British husband says this is a common cake in the UK.
I found a few recipes on Pinterest. Be sure to read the instructions fully as they are all made slightly different. Some require soaking the cake in cheesecloth afterwards, or soaking the fruit beforehand.
The result is a lovely cake that is a cross between a fruit cake and a Christmas pudding with a pretty decoration on top!
Win a Copy of the Memento!
Enter daily until June 10 to win a copy of the Memento by Christy Ann Conlin!
Bunch O Balloons
Bunch O Balloons
*Disclaimer: Our family received a sample of this product to test in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are our own. Besides, who wouldn’t want try this out on a hot day?*
Yes, Siree! We have a winner folks!
It was the hottest day thus far of the year, and the kids had just come home from school. They were hot and tired and I didn’t want them on the computer.
I plopped down the box in front of them, and told them we were about to have some fun.
Did we ever!
Here’s what the website says:
One of the hottest toys of Summer 2015 is back, now with a new addition to the line that can’t be missed! Bunch O Balloons is the ultimate way to make water balloons!
Fill over 100 water balloons in just seconds with this ready-to-go bunch of self-tying water balloons and blast the competition out of the water.
Simply follow three easy steps to forget the mess and stress of filling and tying water balloons: connect the attachment to a water source, fill the balloons and see them self-tie to make over 100 water balloons in 60 seconds!
And new for this summer, introducing the Launcher set! Now, you can throw your water balloons up to 60 ft with the lightweight and aerodynamic launcher!
Bunch O Balloons are an environmentally-friendly product, made from recycled materials. The balloons and O-rings are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The straws are made from recycled plastic and are recyclable as well.
Bunch O Balloons had one of the top 500 Kickstarter campaigns of 2014, exceeding its initial funding request of $10,000 to receive $1 million in only 20 days.
It was the biggest selling summer toy in 2015 in the United States, completely selling out on the 4th of July.
It was also Australia’s best-selling summer toy for 2015 and names the Australian Toy Association’s Toy of the Year 2015. It also recently won Toy of the Year at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. Bunch O Balloons is now on pace to sell over 30 million pieces worldwide in 2016!
Our Experience
I’m not sure about you, but I hate having the kids coming in and out of the house constantly to fill up water balloons. They make a mess spraying my kitchen, they get water all over the floor and they are constantly asking me to tie the balloons for them.
Bunch O Balloons could be used totally independently by the 8-9 year olds with whom I tested this toy.
It’s so easy. There is a step-by-step guide, but it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Hook the balloon bunch up to the end of your garden hose or sink. There is even an adapter if you need it.
Then, wait for the balloons to fill up.
There is even a piece of paper that comes with the toy to tells you how full to fill the balloons.
Once the right size, you literally shake it, and the balloons pop off and are already tied!
It’s that easy!
The kids had a great time having a water fight, and using the scoops to launch the balloons through the air.
When they ran out of balloons, we grabbed the extra refill packs. Then, they also used the traditional water balloon method, but it wasn’t nearly as fun or as easy as the Bunch O Balloons!
Bunch O Balloons are available this spring from: Toys ‘R’ Us, Wal-Mart, Costco, Showcase, Loblaws, Home Hardware, Shoppers, Sears, Bed Bath and Beyond, London Drugs, Staples, Mastermind Toys, Indigo, Giant Tiger, and Red Apple.
Bunch O Balloons products range in price from $14.99- $19.99 and are appropriate for ages 6 and up.
(Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Ages 6 years & up/Available: Spring 2016)
Blast ZURU Bunch O Balloons spectacular distances with this all new Launcher! Throw water balloons up to 60 ft/ 15m with this lightweight and aerodynamic launcher and blast the competition out of the water! Includes 3 self-tying ZURU Bunch O Balloons.
(Approx. Retail Price: $14.99/Ages 6 years & up/Available: Spring 2016)
Each Bunch O Balloons pack includes 3 bunches of 35 balloons. That’s over 100 balloons per package! Simply screw the Quick Connector on to the fitting at the base of the Bunch O Balloons, attach the Quick Connector to the hose fitting and turn on the water. Watch as the balloons fill, give them a shake, and they fall off and tie themselves!
Fill over 100 water balloons in less than a minute with Bunch O Balloons. (Assortment of 3)
Tried Tested and True! From a Valley Family Fun follower: Tried these this last weekend! Soooo easy! Kids loved them, but they have to be used as soon as you fill them. I did up two bunches about an hour before, and some of them lost all their water, so the bucket was full of water too. Bought mine at Wal Mart, but Michael’s has them too so keep an eye out for the coupons for 40% off a regular priced item to get them cheap!!
Learn more
Now you can try it out! Win with Bunch O Balloons!
Win a Rapid Fill 3 Pack and Launcher Set (ARV $19.99) by entering daily until June 8.
Castle Frederick Trails
Castle Frederick Trails, Falmouth
The Castle Frederick Trails in Falmouth have been on my bucket list for a long time. They are privately owned, but the trails are open to the public.
Castle Frederick is farmed today by the Bremner family. They are the eighth generation from the original land owner, Colonel Joseph Frederick Wallet.
According to Erin, one of the current owners, “our ancestor who originally was granted the land in 1763 wanted to impress his family back in England so he named the estate Castle Frederick”.
Joseph Frederick Wallet DesBarres owned a lot of land in NS and NB and this was his home base when in Canada, he was a cartographer and worked on his mapping. He had an observatory at the farm as well.
He’s a really interesting character, and you can learn more about him here.
The Trails
There are approximately 10km of trail/woods roads at Castle Frederick. There will likely be some very wet areas so be sure to wear appropriate foot wear.
There are several Acadian sites on the property that are protected under the Archaeological Land Trust of NS Stewardship Agreement.
Before you go, have a look at the map and plot out a route.
By looking at the map, we weren’t sure about the distances or how long it would take us to walk with the boys, so we contacted the Farm directly (through Facebook) and got them to help us plot a route. They were more than happy to oblige!
I asked for a route that was approximately 1 hour and about 3km and it was exactly bang on!
This is the route we took, and it covered all the important historic points.
I would recommend printing off these directions, or having it available on your phone, as the directions are perfect.
The Loop (3km, 1hr)
If you start at parking/trail head, enter trail and on the left you will see “smith road trail” sign.
Take that trail and stay on it until you reach the dirt woods road.
This is an uphill climb that will really make your butt love you. It’s not bad really, and it’s a beautiful trail with lots of hemlock and pine.
When you get to the dirt road (Lawrence rd)
go right and head downhill until you see “Holy Well Trail” on your right.
This will take you downhill to the “cross trail Cafe” where you can have a picnic or snack/rest stop.
Feel free to make a little fire if you’d like, there’s a grate for a cookout. All the supplies are there for lighting a fire, too!
Head downhill again on Holy Well Trail and the well is on the left if you’d like to visit. This well dates back to Acadian times and was used with the Acadian chapel.
It has also been the main farm house water supply since 1800.
After visiting the well keep following the holy well trail downhill. It will take you all the way back to the trail head.
There are wet spots towards bottom and there are detours marked with yellow reflective trail markers.
You will also come to the Acadian chapel site with a bench for a rest.
The detour trail actually makes a left just after the bench (to keep you out of a very wet spot). Keep looking for the reflective markers.
The trail has been well used in this area and just keep heading down to trailhead and Boardwalk.
This loop is roughly an hour with a short break.
Hope you enjoy!
If you have more time (like 3 hours) Erin highly recommended the hike to eagle ridge. It is really pretty along the Southwest branch of Avon River. Picnic spots and private campsites are available.
At the trail head there is a picnic table and restroom/outhouse.
At the Cross Café, as mentioned before, there is a place to stop and have a cook out.
To help pay for the upkeep of the trails, there is a black donation box at the trail head. They would like to collect $3.50 per visitor or a lump sum for larger groups.
These trails are not stroller friendly. They are dog friendly. Keep dogs on a leash as there are many wild animals in the woods.
Cabin Rental
It’s $100/night on weekends and $75/night weekdays. Multiple nights can get a discount. Contact them for further details.
Bring your own bedding and food, everything else is there.
You can drive to the cabin, but lots of people get us to take their stuff up for them so they can hike up from the trailhead, about 45mins. Feels like more of an adventure (without the weight of gear).
Google Map
Castle Frederick is located on the back roads of Falmouth. It is difficult to give proper directions, because it depends on which way you come! So, look at this map to determine your driving route.
Drive down the Castle Frederick Road, virtually to the end. From the main road, you will see a grassy area off to the right. The trails starts there.
A visit to Castle Frederick is a great way to spend a day. I know our family will be going back and taking others with us!
Although all attempts are made to ensure the integrity and accurateness of the information provided, it is possible that this post could include errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Please use common sense when enjoying the outdoors and be prepared for the weather conditions. Please obey posted signs. Cyclists yield the trail. Do not spook animals. Leave no trace, pack out what you pack in.
Top 10 Favourite Kids’ Books
Top 10 Favourite Kids’ Books
Mine was Sylvester and the Magic Pebble or Many Moons.
I had lots more favourite kid books, but those were my favourites!
We all have our favourites. Ones we could probably recite off to heart, even today. And, how many times have you read the same books ad nausea to your kids?
The Annapolis Valley Regional Library has several great lists on their site:
Autism Resources – For those who want to know more about autism and ASD.
Outstanding International Books – Best books from around the world
Silent Books – Or, wordless books for everyone to read & share.
Talk, Sing, Read – 100 Books to Share – 100 terrific books to give your child a head start before school.
Great Early Readers – A list for those just learning to read, or those who are reading alone and want some easy chapter books.
Make it! – A booklist for families to explore together. Great ideas for keeping you busy, year round.
Recently, I asked a question on my Facebook page:
What is your favourite children’s book?
I really thought there would be a few standard answers, but I shouldn’t have been so surprised! There were literally hundreds of books listed!
I did a tally chart and came up with our top 10 list of favourite kids’ books.
Valley Family Fun’s Top 10 Favourite Kids’ Books
How many of these have you read?
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Love you Forever by Robert Munsch
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle
Jillian Jiggs books by Phoebe Gilman
Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett
On the Night you were Born by Nancy Tillman
Steam Train Dream by Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Goodnight, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann
CLOSED: Win a bag of Kids’ Books from the Annapolis Valley Regional Library!
Messi FootBubbles
Messi FootBubbles
*Disclosure: We received a sample of the FootBubbles to try in exchange for this blog post. I mean, who wouldn’t want to try this out? All opinions are our own.*
What kid doesn’t love bubbles?
And, come on. Most kids love soccer, or at least kicking a ball around.
What a genius idea to combine the two!
Step up with Leo Messi FootBubbles and juggle FootBubbles like the greatest soccer player in the world, superstar Leo Messi! The secret is the winning team of FootBubbles Super Solution and Messi Socks.
The Super Solution is specially formulated and made to bounce with your feet when used with the specially
designed Messi socks. Juggle FootBubbles by yourself or keep the bubble bouncing for as long as you can with your friends.
Just slip on the Messi sock, blow a bubble with the super solution and start the fun!
Our Experience
The boys couldn’t wait to crack into the box of toys including these Messi FootBubbles!
Inside the package there is a step-by-step instruction list which makes it so easy to use and understand what to do.
Put on the socks.
Fill the container with bubble solution.
Dip the “blower” into the solution and make a bubble!
We found that to get the bubble off the end of the blower, you need to make a swirling motion to have it release.
Then, have fun!
The package does say that you need to practice a bit before perfecting the art of FootBubble soccer. But, the boys didn’t mind. They had a great time playing and just blowing bubbles!
Messi FootBubbles will be available this spring from: Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Canadian Tire, Bed Bath & Beyond,, London Drugs and Red Apple.
Messi FootBubbles products range in price from $6.99- $19.99 and are appropriate for ages 6 and up
(Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Ages 6 years & up/Available: Spring 2016)
The Messi FootBubbles starter pack includes everything you need to get juggling with your feet, just like Leo Messi does. Starter pack includes: 2 Messi socks, 1 bubble blower, 1 solution tray, 1 bottle of Super Solution, 2oz. Assortment of 4 (blue, green, orange and red socks).
(Approx. Retail Price: $6.99/Ages 6 years & up/Available: Spring 2016)
Blow stacks of bubbles with the Leo Messi FootBubbles Super Solution. The
more you play, the better you get. Create your own tricks and amaze your friends. With a Super Solution refill, you can really train up on your game and develop the skills to juggle like Messi. 1 Bottle of Super Solution, 8oz.
Learn more
Now is your chance to try the Leo Messi FootBubbles!
WIN a Leo Messi FootBubbles Starter Kit (ARV $19.99) by entering daily until June 1st.
Acacia Nature Trail
The Acacia Trail, Digby County
Next time you are in the Digby area and need a quick place to stretch your legs or to go for a picnic, check out the Acacia Trail.
The Acacia Trail starts alongside Pine Brook and continues to follow the brook upstream past fishing holes and a small waterfall.
The trail surface of this section is wide and flat for easy wheelchair access or strollers to the fishing platforms.
There are also rest area platforms with tables.
Once you get to the waterfall platform at the end, you can turn around and go back to the parking lot. This is the easiest and most direct route.
However, we went further up the waterfall to the wooden bridge at the top. We turned right and followed the road back around to where it joined up with the main trail. This section is not marked, so if you are confident and have a good sense of direction, it’s a different route to try. It is not stroller friendly.
Along the way is also a lovely devotion tree. Stop to admire it!
We recommend just doing the point-to-point trail to the waterfall and back.
This trail is 0.6km.
Acadia Valley Trail Extension
On the opposite side of the parking lots is a newly extended trail.
There was no information posted about the trail regarding the length, terrain, or whether it was a point-to-point or a loop.
Much to the children’s chagrin, we decided to check it out and go exploring.
The trail is more of a natural hiking trail then a walking path.
There are orange markers, signs and hunting tape along the trail so you cannot get lost.
After 2km (according to my FitBit) we still had not looped back, and there was no sign of the trail looping around, so we decided to head back.
Later research showed me that it is a 4km hike along the brook with plans to have it connect.
We did not make it far enough to find out if it did connect. We just turned around and went back.
We do not recommend doing this new section of the trail until more information is available and posted at the trail head.
Update from Digby Area Tourism: The extension trail loops back to the new bridge over Aunt Sarah’s Brook connecting it with the original trail. It’s about 6 km total and passes through some old growth hardwood areas. There are trail markers guiding the way. Trail head signs with more info are planned.

Take Exit 26 from Highway 101 (the Digby exit) and follow the signs for Acaciaville to the left.
There are blue hiking signs for the Acacia Valley Trail.
Follow them for about 6km down the road. Continue through until you see Mill Road on the left.
There is also a sign for the Acadia Valley Trail on the side of the road.
Follow this dirt road to the provided parking area at the bottom of the hill. The trail starts here beside the brook.