Waiting for a delayed flight from SeaTac airport
Waiting for a delayed flight from SeaTac airport
Disclosure: The content for this sponsored post was provided to give you information on what to do when waiting for a flight from SeaTac Airport on the west coast in Washington. Posts like this not only provide you with great information, but keep the website running.
Guest writer writes…
Getting stuck at the airport is one of the most confusing situations one can ever find oneself in. On one hand, you are scared of leaving the airport just in case your flight is called in and on the other hand, you must find creative ways to occupy your time. Ask me, I know all about it because I have been stuck at the SeaTac airport a couple of times.
For instance, I was at the airport last summer when I traveled to visit my parents. You see, I do this particular routine every three months (I am an only child and my husband is too busy with work most of the time). My folks are a bit aged and will rant the entire time if anyone else other than my husband and I go to take them out for the doctor appointments.
Not only was my flight delayed, but I also did not have enough money to spend at the airport so that is the reason I must have been a bit edgy. I must have been at the airport for 4 hours straight. I had left home hungry because I knew I should have arrived in a few hours (just in time for my mom’s special pie). The good thing is that I drove myself to the airport so my car was still accessible to get some energy bars I keep just in case.
I use SeaTac long term parking every time.
SeaTac airport long term parking is one of the many SeaTac airport parking options offered by Parkos, an online based parking services provider. Parkos makes it easy for people who travel with kids, heavy luggage and who are on a tight schedule to not only save time on the road but also enjoy the convenience of driving their own vehicles. I knew about Parkos a few months before I actually tried it.
I assure you once you try it, you will be wondering what took you so long. Parking spaces offered by Parkos are located in and near SeaTac, but they are all vetted and passed as secure spots. I like the self-parking option as it is economical. However, it can take some time; but if you couple this with weekly rates, you will save a lot on parking.
Had I known that I would waste that much time at the airport, I would have loosened up and enjoyed my time there. For starters, I was so agitated at the security screening point that I received two verbal warning from the officials there. It is perfectly alright for a traveler who is at the airport for the first time to be apprehensive about security checks but I do not fall into that category.
Activities that travellers can engage in as they wait for their flight at SeaTac Airport
SeaTac is unlike any other airport you have been to – I am sure every airport is different and the uniqueness of SeaTac simply reflects the life and times of the people of Seattle.
Are you travelling with children? Instead of explaining to them why they have to sit still until your flight is called, why not allow them to socialize with other kids at the children’s play area? They are not only going to make new friends but the cool carpet and brightly coloured kids’ corner will keep them occupied for hours on end.
Music blasts across the airport at certain times of the day so you better hope that it happens while you are there. For 7 days a week, between 9 am and 3 pm, travellers are treated to live music which they can dance to, calmly listen to or record to watch later. It is interesting that the performers choose different points within the airport to play their music and this keeps travelers on their toes as they follow the soothing tunes.
Seattle is considered to the city of music and the performers are at the airport to affirm exactly that. They will treat you to pop, blues, and folk songs drawn from artists in the local scene and beyond. There is a schedule of how the performances have been scheduled to take place but do not overly rely on that because it is subject to change – at least you have an idea of what is coming up.
Art lovers and those who have taken the time to create pieces of their own will appreciate that the airport walls have been transformed into a display. Art is appreciated in SeaTac and you can tell from the more than 100 works that have been displayed in different parts. Art has been my weakness since I was a little girl so I find myself staring, lost in thought and meditation as I look into the soul of an art piece. Do you prefer guided tours to get the story behind each painting? You can let off some energy by having a guided tour of the airport. You will not get a physical tour guide to walk with you around the display points – your iPhone or Andoid phone is good enough. Once you download the story app, you can spend hours on end looking at the artwork on the walls of SeaTac. Once you have the app on your phone, it is simple to use because the search function allows users to either look for a particular piece or location of the piece.
Contemporary art is also on display at SeaTac and if you want to see some of the latest pieces search them by the type – photography, sculpture, sound and glass artwork is gaining traction and this is the place to see it. I have the app on my phone and when I am not using it at the airport, it becomes handy when I am at the local museums and other historical sites.
I have not met many people in my lifetime who do not enjoy watching movies – you only have to know and stick to your genre. I love romance movies (I am guilty of burning food several times because I just could not press pause on a movie). My husband says I am obsessed with stories but I simply love the idea of people falling in love. SeaTac must have thought about my type when they allowed floor space to Digiboo. The kiosks are spread throughout the airport and if you brought a thumb drive with you, you get to watch movies as much as you want. Does your mobile phone have enough space for a movie or two? Either that or have the movies downloaded onto a laptop.
There is free Wi-Fi connectivity in the public areas around the airport and if you are as hooked to the internet as I am, then you are in for a roller coaster of free data. This is the time to put up that live Facebook video you have always wanted. The bonus you get is being at SeaTac so your viewers have plenty of background sights and sounds to enjoy. To connect to this free network, just scroll through your available networks and you will see it named “SEATAC-FREE-WIFI”. You just need to follow prompts and then accept the terms and conditions before you get to use it.
Decluttering and Downsizing Christmas
Decluttering and Downsizing Christmas
Last year, I really started to feel the stress of Christmas.
I was making lists of everything that I had to get for everyone, stressing out about having to go shop, and having to buy for some pretty impossible people on my list.
A few times I caught myself saying, “If I could just get rid of presents, I would really enjoy Christmas!”
I just wanted to go to concerts, have fun at holiday parties, and just be with family and friends.
Also, we had just launched our home organization business, Your Last Resort.
As home organizers, we help people get rid of the excess stuff in their lives. We help people release gifts that were given to them that they didn’t use or no longer want or need.
How can I help contribute to the clutter by buying things for people, spending money, just for the sake of getting something for someone?
I could no longer justify in my mind, adding to people’s clutter.
This is a conversation we have time and time again in our family. In fact, last year my son said to me, “I don’t want anything for Christmas, but I also don’t want nothing.”
This year, we are going for a clutter-free, present-free Christmas.
Because my sons no longer believe in Santa, it makes it a bit easier.
Drawing from my own family’s tradition growing up, each person is responsible for getting a few items for everyone’s stockings.
We will opt for one larger gift for the boys to share, and save our money for a big upcoming family trip this spring (more info to come later once finalized!)
Other gifts will be clutter-free and include baked goods – everyone seems to want me to make them biscotti! Or other consumables like cookies, wine and cheese!
And, with my own family, we are doing a year of family experiences. There are 3 of us in the Churchill family siblings. We divided the year by 3, giving each person 4 months. We subtracted Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, when we normally get together, anyway.
This leaves each family with 3 months. We have each signed up for a month, and during that month, we are responsible for planning a family adventure! This could be a board game night, a walk in the woods, a pool party – the possibilities are endless, but that family is in charge!
And, hopefully with the pressure off, less money being spent, less time spent wrapping, and more time together, we will really enjoy the holiday season, and not fill up the house with extra clutter.
As for me, bring me a bottle of wine (consumable) or a mug of tea, and I’ll be happy sitting in front of my tree with my family, listening to the sounds of the season!
Things to Do in Mississauga
Things to Do in Mississauga
Disclosure: This sponsored post was provided to us to share on our network so you could learn about the fun things there are to do in Mississauga. Posts like this help to keep Valley Family Fun going and bring you great information.
If you plan to go to Mississauga with your family, then you would want to prepare for the things you would do while there. Out of town trips like this need careful planning, so you don’t waste precious time on what to do and where to go, especially if you have minimal time. It is best to maximize your trip as much as possible.
Before you pack your bags, make sure you have a list of the things that you are going to do while you are in Mississauga.
It is good to know that Mississauga is Toronto’s largest suburban area and is one of Canada’s most populous cities. As such, it receives tons of tourists from around the world. Here are the things you must do while in Mississauga:
Go Historic
While Mississauga was only established in the 1970s, it has a rich historical background. Head to Port Credit, a village located along the shorelines of Lake Ontario. Often called the Village on the Lake, Port Credit will mesmerize you with its lovely parks, outstanding architecture, and impressive lakefront marina, which docks massive ships. If you can, try to book your trip when the village hosts the Port Credit In-Water Boat Show.
Explore Streetsville
If you are a big fan of small towns filled with historic buildings amid the cityscape, then you will love Streetsville. This tight-knit community is famous for the Bread and Honey Festival and the Santa Claus Parade. While exploring this quaint area, you will find family-friendly restaurants, chic boutiques, and grand houses.
Let Kids Have Fun
When you bring your kids to your trip, let them have fun in kids indoor playground in Mississauga. They will appreciate you returning the favour while they strolled those historical places you were so interested in. There are tons of choices for indoor playgrounds, so choose the one that is appropriate for your kid’s ages.
Art Appreciation
If you are a huge fan of art, you would be amiss if you did not check out the Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM). It features four gallery spaces that have a permanent collection that showcases more than 500 artworks. In addition to this, the gallery hosts regular exhibitions that feature national and local artists. The AGM also hosts lectures, events, symposiums, and live performances. They also offer yoga classes and art classes for kids. While you explore the gallery, you can have your kids take art classes — an awesome deal!
Play Golf
If you believe your swings could use some practice, then head on to either BraeBen Golf Course or the Lakeview Golf Course. BraeBen has two golf courses, a 9-hole and an 18-hole championship that features a 72-par course of 6,415 yards, best for experienced golfers. Its 9-hole academy course is often used by newbie golfers.
The Lakeview Golf Course features an 18-hole course, which served as the host of the Canada Open twice.
An out of town trip will never be complete without shopping. If you want to maximize your shopping options, it is best to head on to Square One. It is Canada’s second-largest mall and boasts 160,000 square metres of retail space. Since it is highly visited, it has excellent accessibility and is home to Mississauga’s main bus terminal.
It is nice to head out of town sometimes. It allows you to explore other places than in your neighbourhood. It is an excellent way to spend some time with family, and it is also a unique way to know more about other towns and meet other people.
Delaps Cove Wilderness Trails
Delaps Cove Wilderness Trails
Although this trail may be a bit out of the way, it’s definitely worth a day trip to explore the Delaps Cove Wilderness Nature Trails!
About the Trails
Tucked away on the North Mountain above Annapolis Royal, the Delaps Cove Nature Trail actually consists of two different trails. However, you can combine them both to do one larger trail.
The Trail meanders through 130 acres of canopied forests. Nature enthusiasts may enjoy the natural splendour of the area and breathe in the briny, salt air that surrounds the windswept coastline of the Bay of Fundy. As well as being a great place to hike, the trail provides opportunities for bird watching and photography. Use the Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail Guide (located at the trail head) to identify the fauna and flora or to provide an historical perspective to the area.
Bohaker Trail
This trail is 2.2km and took us about 45 minutes to walk, with lots of stops.
Although there are boardwalk sections, there are still a lot of roots, making it not stroller-friendly.
Along the trail you will see a beautiful waterfall which empties into the Bay of Fundy. In fact, there is an observation deck right above it, too!
There is a rope that you can follow down the cliff to the beach below if you are adventurous. Because we had the dog, we did not attempt this.
The trail goes right by the Bay of Fundy. I even saw a seal swimming quite close to shore. Others have reported whales in the bay!
Charles Trail
Charlies Trail is a 1.9 km loop.
What makes this trail interesting as the site was once a freed black community. Evidence suggest that they settled along this section of coastline around the time of the American Revolution.
Both trails are linked by the Shore Road Trail (2.7 km one way). The return walk will take approximately 3-4 hours, making the overall trip a little over 9 kms once you return to your car.
This is the goal for the next time!
This trail is located at 2077 Shore Road West, Delaps Cove, Annapolis County. When you are driving along Shore Road, you will see signs for the trail, and the entrance is on a sharp corner. It’s easy to miss the road in front of the sign, but veer left!
You will go down a steep hill and up the other side for about 2km, and then you will see the trail head. There is an outhouse and picnic tables on site.
Take time to visit the Delaps Cove Wilderness Trails to appreciate the beauty of our province!
Eating out with Friends and Family at the Crow’s Nest in Hillsburn
Eating out with Friends and Family at the Crow’s Nest in Hillsburn
This series of blog posts is to help encourage you to get out and try new local restaurants like The Crow’s Nest in Hillsburn on the Bay of Fundy. This is not a sponsored post.
We first heard about the Crow’s Nest restaurant when reading a review in the Advertiser.
Great food, great views and wonderful service. We knew we had to check it out.
One day this summer we were out for a drive and somehow kept driving until we ended up on the North Mountain above Annapolis Royal, right on the Bay of Fundy! We knew just where to eat!
The colourful building of the Crow’s Nest called us!
There are several seats inside, but because we had the dog, we opted to sit on one of the picnic tables outside to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful views.
The Food
My parents had been there the week before and kept raving about The Crow’s Nest. They said the food was so delicious and the portions were huge and the prices so reasonable.
This was a very accurate summary!
My dad said the chowder was so huge, he had to take some of it home for the next day!
We ended up with our traditional fish and chips and hot sandwiches and were not disappointed!
Kids Eat Free
Kids eat free on Wednesdays also! One kids’ meal free for every main dish! This happens year-round, too! Ages 10 and under.
The next time you are out for a drive, or looking for a wonderful place to eat, check out the Crow’s Nest in Hillsburn! You won’t be disappointed.
Living Art Portraits with Jaimie Corbin of Phantom Effects
Living Art Portraits with Jaimie Corbin of Phantom Effects
Disclosure: To help with the promotion of my novel Two Crows Sorrow, Jaimie Corbin of Phantom Effects volunteered to paint a Living Art Portrait. She did this because she is a wonderfully generous person, and not because she knew I was going to write a blog post. She didn’t know I was going to write a blog post. This post is based on my opinions of our experience.
There are just some amazing people in the world who give out positive energy, and Jaimie Corbin of Phantom Effects in Kentville is one of them.
It all came about, as many things do, from a conversation on Facebook. Jaimie made a comment on Author’s Facebook Page for my novel Two Crows Sorrow. I commented back how I would love to see Candy painted as a Living Art Portrait as Theresa.
As a quick recap, Theresa McAuley Robinson is the main character in my creative-non-fiction novel. The story tells of her life and death on the North Mountain.
For years, my friend Candy has played the character Theresa Robinson in the Valley Ghost Walks Kentville show.

Photo Credit Heather Rushton
Almost immediately, Jaimie wrote me back and said she would love to paint Candy as Theresa!
Candy and I literally squealed with delight at the offer. It was something both of us had always wanted to do!
Living Art Portraits with Jaimie Corbin
Here’s what the Phantom Effects website says:
Since May 2018 Jaimie has been creating these beautiful living art portraits for clients, art installations and various businesses. Her signature technique has grown from its infancy and is continually evolving. Although she has her own style she welcomes the challenge of creating portraits inspired by other artists styles.
In essence, Jaimie turns people into art.
Check out Jaimie Corbin’s Living Art gallery here
I asked Jaimie how she knew what to paint people as, and she said sometimes people come in with an idea and some costumes to go with it. Other times, they look at her props and costumes and come up with an idea.
Or, best of all, Jaimie says she loves having a blank slate where she can create an image based on the personality of the client.
I asked her what she would paint me as. I’ll keep that one a secret, because I am planning on having this done! You’ll have to wait and see!
Our Living Art Session
I went with Candy to Phantom Effects studio in Main Street Station (former Cornwallis Inn) in Kentville, and sat and chatted while Candy was being painted.
We came in with a photograph of what we wanted.
Layer upon layer of foundation and make up were added.
But you really don’t get a sense of the magnificence of it all until you sit in front of the screen for the photography segment of the evening.
It was incredible watching Jaimie in action, and she knew just want to do to get that perfect picture.
The entire process took about two hours, with the make up taking the longest time, and the photography only taking less than 10. That could also be because we were also having such a great time chatting!
Next, Jaimie will take the photographs and work her Photoshop magic, creating the backdrop, and adding pieces to the costume.
Booking a Session
From the Phantom Effects Website:
A session will give you one Living Art Portrait of yourself OR a loved one. Jaimie would like to have creative control over the artwork produced but is totally willing to work with you to create something that fits your personality and style. Keep in mind that after the session there will be a grace period needed to edit the best photo from the session (no longer than a week). Once completed Jaimie will email a web version and a print version of your artwork. The print version can be printed on a 16×16 canvas by your favorite Print Centre.
The Final Product