Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo’s Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo’s Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

Disclosure: Our family received a pass for these activities at Roo’s Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall in exchange for this blog post.  The things we do in the name of research! All opinions are our own.

When the boys were little, we spent a LOT of time at Roo’s Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall. 

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

Once they were in school and were a bit older, we stopped going as frequently, until we recently realized, there are still a lot of things for youth and teens to do at Roo’s Playhouse! We decided to go check it out! 

Arcade and Pool

Roo’s Playhouse has a lot of activities you can’t find anywhere else in the Valley, starting with arcade games. 

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

Kids and teens love arcade games. 

You might need to set some monetary or time limits here, but there’s no doubt, you can easily spend a lot of time here! 

There is also a pool table, which is great because youth aren’t often allowed in many establishments that have pool tables! 


EyePlay Virtual Playground

NEW to Roo’s Playhouse is the EyePlay virtual playground. 

  •  Interactive Virtual Playground – Great Fun for all ages• Multiple players with a wide variety of fun and active games• Kids can play a giant xylophone, balloon pop, ice hockey and so much more.

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

Basically, it is a series of games that flash on the floor, changing after a 2 minute rotation, so there is a lot of time to try many different games. 


The kids had a blast playing, and then figuring out how to cheat the system 🙂 Listen to them laugh!

Watch here how it works! 

They loved the soccer game the most. 

Laser Tag

Roo’s Playhouse is the only place in the Valley that offers laser tag.

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

We love this course because it has 2 floors, and  lots of room to run and hide. 

Besides, there is something cathartic about running through the course with a laser tag gun chasing down your husband and kids! 

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

Some parents might have issues with laser tag because of the guns. 

I wrote about that in a former article in the Advertiser. READ HERE.

But, we love the game, and think it’s one of the most fun things to do as a family! 

Roo’s Playhouse also offers a league night to play laser tag, with options for a variety of different games to try in the course. 

Creative Play

Although the boys are now 9, 11, they still wanted to go into the main part of Roo’s Playhouse to see the toys and activities. We made sure they weren’t too big or old to use the equipment, and they weren’t! They couldn’t go on the climbing frame/ballroom, but everything else they could! 

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

It was fun watching them creatively play again, like old times, and before screens became the main form of entertainment. 

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with


Costs are always subject to change, but right now, they have a great special on for $10/person you get unlimited time at the EyePlay virtual reality playground and 15 minutes of laser tag, plus entrance to the main playground! 

That sounds like a fun afternoon out! 

Learn more

Fun for Youth and Teens at Roo's Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall with

So, although you might be thinking your kids are too old to hang out at Roo’s Playhouse in the Greenwood Mall, think twice. 

There are lots of fun things for older youth and teens to do to keep them occupied in a safe and fun way! 

Check it out! 

Roo’s Playhouse

Eating out with Friends and Family in Halifax: Boneheads BBQ

Eating out with Friends and Family in Halifax: Boneheads BBQ

Eating out with Friends and family in Halifax at Boneheads BBQ with

We are taking it upon ourselves to eat out in different local businesses and share our experiences with you to help you try new restaurants and support local! 

Halifax’s original BBQ joint! Smokin’ it up low n’ slow every day! Boneheads opened because of a passion for and an obsession with Barbecue. We work hard to create an authentic Southern BBQ experience. We take great pride in the food we serve and how we prepare it, using fresh and local ingredients whenever possible. We hope that you enjoy eating it as much as we enjoy making it!


We had just finished a visit at Pier 21 Museum and needed a place to eat. We had been to Boneheads on Barrington Street years ago, and decided to check it out again, now that the kids were older. 

Eating out with Friends and family in Halifax at Boneheads BBQ with

We are never disappointed. 

There were a lot of choices on the menu, but we decided upon a chicken poutine, ripper dog and two brisket buns. All with a side of fries. 


On the tables are a choice of sauces and a big roll of paper towel. You will need it! 
Eating out with Friends and family in Halifax at Boneheads BBQ with


There is no kids’ menu, but lots of things on the menu kids will enjoy, or consider just getting them a side. 

Some of the meat is “spicy” because of the barbecue sauces, so make sure you ask about mild choices, or just stick to a poutine for fussier or taste-sensitive kids. 

Boneheads is a carnivore’s paradise, and it’s good to the last drop! 

Eating out with Friends and family in Halifax at Boneheads BBQ with


1014 Barrington St, Halifax

Learn More

Shingle Mills Falls Walking Trail

Shingle Mills Falls Walking Trail

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

Always on the hunt for a new walking trail, we discovered information about Shingle Mills walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain. 

Armed with directions that were a few years old, we set out to find this trail. I began to get frustrated because they didn’t totally match up, until my husband reminded me that it was part of the adventure – finding it! 

So, with that in mind, we eventually found the right path and have included the updated directions below. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

The Trail

To get to Shingle Mills falls, you actually follow logging roads. You can probably drive most of the way there, but the secondary road is quite muddy, and it’s an easy quick 10-15 minute walk from the car. 

When we went, there were lots of puddles to stop and explore. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

There was also coyote dung, but we didn’t see any animals. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

The trail would be great to snowshoe in the winter. 

If you are feeling more energetic, try biking or cross country skiing from the main road. This adds another approx 7km to your trip. 

How to Get There


Drive Route 1, turning onto Aylesford Road. 

Drive 11km. On your right there is a logging road. When we went, it was marked by the #8. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

Drive 3.9km down this logging road. Keep to the right in case you encounter trucks coming and going! 

You will come to a side road. It’s the only side road on your left.

You can turn and drive down here, but it was really muddy when we went, and we wanted the walk. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

Walk 10-15 minutes and the waterfall is on your right. You’ll hear the water before you see it. 

It was quite wet when we went, but on a drier day, you might be able to scramble down the cliff to get a closer look at the falls. 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

There is nothing more beautiful than a waterfall in the winter! 

Shingle Mills Falls walking trail on the Aylesford Mountain with

To extend our walk a bit further, we carried on up the logging road and turned back to retrace our steps. 

Because it is only 10 minutes in, it’s an easy walk, especially for small children, bikes or strollers. 

Next time you are in the Berwick/Aylesford area and need to stretch your legs, check out the Shingle Mills Falls! 



Eating out with Friends and Family at the Driftwood Restaurant in Berwick



Eating out with Friends and Family at the Driftwood Restaurant in Berwick

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with

Our goal is to eat our way around the Valley, showing you great new places to eat out with your friends and family to help encourage you to support our local businesses. 

We have always been big fans of the Driftwood Restaurant in Berwick! 

When the kids were little, we used to go on an adventure by taking the bus to Berwick and then eating out at the Driftwood in its former location. 

The Driftwood Restaurant has since moved locations and is under new management, but is still offering the same great family meals! 

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with

The Driftwood is located in Berwick’s former fire station, and remnants of this can be seen in the decor. 


Our favourites include fish and chips

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with

or breakfast any time of the day! 

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with

I love that the Driftwood is so community based. 

They are a big supporter of Burger Wars for Campaign for Kids. 

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with

And, for years, Campaign for Kids held their board meetings in their side meeting room! 

If you are looking for a great place to eat out with your family and want to find something that will appeal to all tastes, the Driftwood Family Restaurant in Berwick is the place to go! 

Eating out with friends and family at the Driftwood restaurant, Berwick with



A visit to Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with your Family

A visit to Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with your Family

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

**Disclosure: Our family received a family pass to visit the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in exchange for this blog post. We were excited to check something off our bucket list! All opinions are our own.**

One of the things that makes Canada so unique and special is the blending and mixing of so many cultures. Immigration has helped form Canada. 


Almost every family has its own immigration story, whether our ancestors were First Nations, came hundreds of years ago, or more recently. 
Our family knows all about immigration. 
My husband, David, immigrated from England to Canada in the 1980s. We were able to follow the journey with him. 
A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

About Pier 21

The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, in Halifax, is Canada’s national museum of immigration. The museum occupies part of Pier 21, the former ocean liner terminal and immigration shed from 1928 to 1971.


About our Visit

We headed to the museum on Family Day in December, so there were lots of extra fun things happening from movie screenings to a portable astronomy dome from the Discover Centre! 

Besides taking in the fun extras, we had a great day exploring the regular exhibits at the museum. 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

We began our visit by taking a wonderful guided tour by a museum volunteer. We learned about the history of immigration in Halifax, seeing where immigrants came from, why they came, and how they were met when they arrived in Halifax. This side explores Pier 21’s history as an immigration gateway from 1928 to 1971. 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

On the second side, through the big glass doors, was an entire area dedicated to Canadian immigration history over the past 400 years. 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

Our Experience

What we loved the best is that there are so many interactive things for kids to do throughout the entire museum! 

When the adults to stop to read the information, there is always something right there for kids to do, right there! This could be touch-screen videos, building with blocks or filling in their own family’s history.

There were lots of costumes and props for the kids to play with, too! 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

Thomas loved learning to play a new game, Escargot, from France. 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

After having lived in Wales for 5 months, the boys had a sense of what it was like to adapt to a new place. Using the magnets, he shared his initial thoughts about moving away. 

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

Back in the foyer, the kids loved dancing with Fenton the Bear, the museum’s mascot. 

You can even record a video and have it emailed to you! 

There was also a life raft to promote the upcoming exhibit about dangerous voyages: 

Refuge Canada: March 10 to November 11, 2018

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

Photo courtesy of the Pier 21 Museum

Hours and Location

Hours and admission information can be found here

The museum is located on the waterfront at 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax.



There is a large paved parking lot to the right of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 main entrance.

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. $2.00 per hour to a maximum of $10.00 per day. Weekends, Evenings (6 p.m. – 8 a.m.) and Holidays complimentary.

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

Learn the story of Canadian Immigration at Pier 21 Museum in Halifax! @Pier21 Share on X

Discussion Questions with your Family

Our visit to the museum sparked a lot of conversations around the dinner table. Try some of these questions with your kids, depending on their ages. 

What would it have felt like to come to a country by boat for over 2 weeks, not knowing if you were going to be let in? 

How would you feel to have to do a train journey after coming across by boat?

Why do people leave their countries?

How is Canada today with its immigration policies? 

What is your family’s immigration story? 

What can we learn from immigrants? 

How can we make an immigrant’s arrival easier? How can we welcome new people?

A visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 with

We highly recommend a visit to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax! There is something for everyone to learn!

Learn More



Top Tips for Visiting Cuba with your Family

Top Tips for Visiting Cuba with your Family

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

This January, our family was fortunate to take a trip to Cuba! It was the boys’ first time at an all-inclusive resort, and after our busy time traveling around the UK, we felt we needed a relaxing trip! 

These are our top tips for traveling to Cuba with your family

  1. Use a Travel Agent. 

I’ve traveled all over the world, and mostly had done the research and bookings myself. I spent a few months making spreadsheets of prices and dates from a variety of websites. 

Then, I had a connected with Flight Centre Independent, Deborah Chapman. 

Within 10 minutes, she came back with prices that were half the amount for what I had found, used our travel dates, and was a resort that she was familiar with and felt comfortable recommending! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

If anything went wrong, she would be available to help. She was also instrumental with advice and details. Best of all… I didn’t have to do a thing (other than pay, of course!) There weren’t even any extra fees on top! 

We ended up going on a West Jet vacation package staying at Brisas Guardalavaca near Holguin. 

2. Get suited up. 

I hate having my picture taken, especially in a bathing suit. I also burn so easily, so I knew I had to be well protected. 

We headed to the Swimwear Hut in New Minas where the amazing staff outfitted both my husband and I in coverups and UV protected clothing.

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

I went for the miracle suit – who doesn’t need a miracle?? – and even felt comfortable having my picture taken! That was a miracle! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

Get good clothes you will feel comfortable in, because they will be your uniform for the week! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

3.  You will Need Money Right Away 

We were not prepared for this. The only place you can get Cuban pesos (CUC) is in Cuba. We did not have time at the airport, as we met our bus to go to the resort. When we arrived, there was a porter who took our bags to the room and required a tip. We had no pesos to give him. 


It would be better to save a few pesos from a previous trip, beg from friends who’ve gone before, or be prepared even with some Canadian money to give them right away until you have time to exchange money. 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

4. Gifts 

There is a lot of debate as to whether or not it’s a good idea to bring presents for the staff or to take into the villages. Some people bring clothes, toiletries, toys, etc.  This is a personal decision. 

There were a lot of places outside the resort where people stood asking for gifts. Can you blame them? 

5. Bring your own insulated cup. 

There is a lot of garbage everywhere. The coastline is teeming with plastic. A lot of it is the cups and straws left by tourists. 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

To save from getting a new plastic cup and straw each time you get a drink, make sure every family member has his own reusable cup. 

There were water jugs everywhere, so it helped to fill one up to keep nearby all day. 

6. Bring basic medication. 

Because you are in a resort, you will pay resort prices. It’s much easier to stock up on the basics. Bring Tylenol and especially bring Tums. It might take your stomach awhile to get used to the food and drink. 

We also stocked up on Imodium (for both stomach cramps and worse!) and brought eye drops, cold and flu drugs. Also, bring tampons, as they were hard to find in the local shops! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

7. Bring Zip-lock baggies. 

I brought 4 and they were immensely helpful! We could pack a roll for a snack for an outing or for taking on the plane. We used them so many times. 

I felt I should have brought a few garbage bags, too, so we could have spend some time doing a beach clean up, too! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

8. Bring activities. 

Even though it’s an all-inclusive resort, you need to bring some extra things to do. 

We borrowed snorkel and masks to take with us, so they didn’t have to worry about signing them out. We also brought swimming goggles. Another family brought their own tennis rackets, too. 

Bring cards or small travel games. 

When it was raining it was helpful to have something to do other than hanging out in the games room all day! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

9. Take advantage of the excursions and in-hotel events. 

There is nightly entertainment at the resorts. This might be too late for some younger children, but were great for our boys (9, 11). 

One night was a Disney show for kids and the other was my favourite – a water ballet! It was incredible! This is all included with the resort.

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

We also did 2 excursions through our West Jet tours. These were extra. 

I tried to research some before I went, but I learned, don’t bother. They are so clear and organized when you get there. It’s easy to find out information and there are a lot to choose from. 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

We went swimming with dolphins at the Bahia de Naranjo Nature Park.

For us, this was well worth it, and a great experience. It cost around $40 per child. (STC)

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

We also did a tour called Cuba Life that took us through villages and to the countryside. We thought it was important for the boys (and us) to learn how real Cubans live outside the resort.

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

It was a big eye opener, and certainly made the children appreciative for all we have in Canada! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

We visited a school and a doctor’s office as well as some farms and museums. 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by

These excursions were some of our trip highlights. 

Overall, be prepared for anything and learn to relax and go with the flow!

This is more difficult for some people, especially someone like me! 

But, as there was no wifi (you could pay), most people spent time reading and talking with others. It was nice to reconnect and have a great family time! 

We are ready for our next adventure! 

Top tips for visiting Cuba with your family by




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