Look at them and Then Look at them again: Thoughts on recent school Shootings

Look at them and Then Look at them again: Thoughts on recent school Shootings

Thoughts on recent school shootings

My friend Lia Hennigar is a beautiful writer, and when she shared her thoughts with me about the recent school shootings in the States, I asked her if I could post her essay on the blog. This is what she has to say. 

Look at them – and then, look at them again. 

Bear with me. I need to get this out of my head.

My husband Barry and I do this thing on school mornings where, if one of us is very much up and at –‘em, the other closes the door to let the sleepy one catch a few more winks (if the door is open, it means, “get your arse out of bed!” 

On Friday morning, I looked up and saw that Barry had closed the door. He was going to take care of breakfast and lunches and see the boys off. I soon heard Nicholas, half asleep but energetically throwing himself down the stairs as he does before plunking himself into his favourite chair.

I then heard Daniel bounding up the stairs – his 13-year-old body growing bigger every other day – he gets himself into the bathroom where I hear our flimsy shower door yank open, rattle and slam followed by the too-hard pull of the water spout and there he will be (until one of us calls him out!). And I think, ‘I need to get out of bed’.

I need to see my boys. Because even though I feel very safe here in Canada, even though I am more sure then I am unsure that something awful won’t happen, I still don’t know. No one knows. It could happen. Anything could. I just need to see them, hug them good morning smell their still damp hair, and say, goodbye, “I love you.”

Bye Mom.  See ya later, Dad. This is something I imagine the children lost on February 14th saying as they left for school that day.

Pigeons on a fence

In Decemer 2012, I experienced a difficult time. So difficult that I was intentionally not engaging with others, reading much, or even watching TV for that matter. I did not turn on the news and therefore did not know that a troubled young guy walked into an elementary school and took the lives of the 20 children and six adults. The babies of Sandy Hook, and some adults who were there to teach them. 

When I did hear the news, I still didn’t turn on the TV.

It was too much to see their faces – at that age, children are all eyes and chubby cheeks and the photos are usually of them smiling big at the camera or wearing a silly birthday hat, or hugging their pet.

I admit, I could not look at them and still haven’t seen more then a photo or two of these innocents.

flower in bloom

Early in the new year – 2013 – as I was driving past our elementary school, I started to cry.

I thought of Sandy Hook and I imagined in there, the two children I loved. The others I cared about. The dozens in and around the neighbourhood. The ones I served hot lunch to every Monday.  

I thought of our Principal, teachers, Margaret. Karen. I thought of the staff who would do ANYTHING for the students at our small community school. 

Shortly thereafter, Daniel told me that they had a lock-down drill.  He was in grade three. Nicholas, in grade one.  Daniel explained that they have lock down drills in case a wild animal gets into the school and everyone needs to stay quiet.  He told me how bad he would feel for the animal if it got in the school because it would be “so scared”

I had to look away. I could feel the lump in my throat.

So now, it’s 2018 and the world is watching as 14 more kids and three adults, are gone. And Facebook is ramping up with “mental issue is the real culprit here!” And with meme’s about God and how God isn’t present in the school and maybe this is why. Please. I can’t even with this. Don’t bring God into this narrative.  God didn’t create the AR-15.  God loves everyone whether they pray in school or not.

For some reason, I think the response will be different this time.  Maybe I am naïve or just plain foolish to believe but I do. I can feel it, and it has everything to do with the fact that it happened at a high school. That the young, broken man with a gun – a killing machine – targeted his own peers.  And let’s think about those peers. The teens.  You remember being a teen right? You were wild, loving, fierce, angry one moment and in tears hugging friends and expressing-your-love-for-them, the next. You were not afraid to speak up, speak out, take a stand.  You could quietly and smartly make your point or you could be a HUGE pain-in-the-ass and drive everyone around you NUTS.  And this is what I see happening.

I see them taking to social media – and who uses it better really – to RAISE the freakin’ volume! 

To raise the bar because let’s face it, the bar cannot get ANY lower. Can it?

They will use it to demand action.  To shout over everyone else because they are young and strong, brilliant and genuine.  They speak from the heart. They will use it to SHUT. DOWN. those people who are blaming the fact that kids don’t pray enough or get spanked enough or that THIS is why THAT is happening.  To be blunt, I see them ripping the powers that be, a new one.


As for me this time?  I will look at every single one of them. I will get to know them as best I can.  I wrote this for them. And for the babies at Sandy Hook.

I was not present back then. I am now. And they deserve all of us to look at them.  

Look at their young faces. The baby fat is gone from their cheeks and their eyes may wear liner and they may look a little defiant, or shy, or confident or mischievous, but there they are, looking right back. 

They were beautiful young people and they were all becoming more of who they were meant to be. And now they are gone.

So, this is for them.


Lia HennigarLia Hennigar is a married mom of two (sometimes feels like more) boys living in Port Williams having moved from Toronto almost 13 years ago (it only took 5 years to adjust!). She is interested in writing about people who make a difference.



Guide to Marketing Your Mattress Company Online

Guide to Marketing Your Mattress Company Online

Top Mattress Brands Marketing


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post that provides you some great tips about online marketing. 

Online marketing done right opens a lot of new doors for almost any type of company but if you’re in the mattress selling industry, you may not see its relevance from the start.

This happens because we all have that idea of a huge showroom with all sorts of mattresses laid out ready to be tested by customers. Still, the world of mattress selling has changed drastically in the last few years and nowadays, it’s absolutely normal to shop online for the mattress you want, especially here in Canada.

Now, even if  your store doesn’t support online shopping, your company can still benefit from online marketing as  many people search online first and only after they find the information they need, they visit the store.

So, even if your store features the best brands on the market, if you don’t put your business on the map with online marketing, you will lose part of your sales. If you feel like online marketing may be too expensive or outside your reach, take a look at the guide below. You’ll see there’s nothing to fear.


Find Out What People Want

The best way to sell something is to find out if people need it and how. In the online environment you can do this by following social media and other platforms where people like to discuss things naturally.
You just have to listen, there’s no need to set up a strategy or pay a specialist to open accounts.
Actually, numbers show small businesses don’t do that well on social media because they don’t understand it correctly.

So yes, for a mattress company it may be a bad decision to invest in social
media, but this doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Have someone in your company follow specific groups of people that fit your target group and learn their complaints.

Once you know this, you can create a cheap but effective advertising campaign that hits right to the point.

Online & Offline Work Better Together

If you didn’t start as an online company, there’s no need to make the switch. There are still plenty of people who like to buy a mattress in the store, but they should learn about you when they go online looking for information.

So, it will be enough to start with a Google My Business listing and post your company’s information on various sites that promote local businesses. If you already have a site that takes orders online, make sure to include it in the marketing campaign, but don’t give up your brick and mortar store in the hope that online business will pick up.

After all, it looks like companies that base their sales only on online shopping may actually be losing money.

The perfect marketing strategy is a combination of online and offline with the mention that people should be able to find you online.

SEO is Important

In order for your company and products to show up in online search results, you need to implement a well-designed SEO strategy. If done right, your target customers should see you when they look for various pieces of information related to mattresses.

AdWords and Email Marketing

While they are not as flashy as social media campaigns, these are solid strategies that work and bring more people into your store. Even more, both strategies are affordable and don’t require too much professional supervision.

So, if you have a sale or any type of event, ask for people’s emails – these are valuable to you as a company because you’ll send the promotional message directly to their Inbox.

Still, try to be reasonable and respect your customers’ privacy. In online marketing, just like in life, it’s important to find balance in your actions.


Greenwood Military Aviation Museum

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Recently, I went with my son’s grade 6 class to visit the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum. 

They had recently studied a unit on flight, so what better way to put their knowledge to the test, and to learn first-hand, than by visiting the aviation museum? 

I have written about the museum before in my family-fun column in the Advertiser.

Read that article here. 

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Here’s what the website says: 

Experience Greenwood’s exciting military history and learn of its heroes through the museum’s permanent and temporary exhibits that chronicles its beginnings as an RAF Station in 1942 to its present day status as the largest airbase in Atlantic Canada.

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

We visited the museum so long ago that the boys can’t remember going! 

As a class trip, this what a phenomenal experience for the students. 

They have so many school parties come through that they are a well-oiled and organized machine! Students were broken into 6 groups, and rotated around the museum (with buzzers sounding to announce when it was time to move!). Each station was manned by volunteers, who were retired personnel who were either pilots, engineers, or worked in some capacity on the airplanes. 

This was first-hand knowledge of flight by those who know best! 

At one point, one of the students noticed that our tour guide was the same man as in the painting behind him! 

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Rotating through all the stations, the students got first hand information on how airplane engines worked, 

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

How to fly a parachute, 

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

And they learned a lot about military history and how the equipment worked. Did you know that salt water was what caused the reaction in a torpedo when they dropped them in the water?

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

I learned so much, and was so impressed with how much the students learned, and transferred from session-to-session! 

As my son said, “What a phenomenal day!” 

General Public Visits

The museum is open to the general public by free-will donation. 

Opening hours can be found here

You are free to roam the museum on your own, reading the signs, and exploring the exhibits. There are lots of hands-on opportunities for kids. The first time we went, the boys could have spent the whole time playing with the Morse code machine! 

Greenwood Military Aviation Museum with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

If you are interested in a more extensive tour, there are usually volunteers around. Just ask at the desk for someone to take you around. This will dramatically increase the value of your visit! 

If you are looking for a great visit to a local museum, please check out the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum! 


Eating out with Friends and Family at Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich

Eating out with Friends and Family at Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Our mission is to eat our way around the Annapolis Valley with friends and family to report back about all the great place you should be trying! Our next stop was the Old Orchard Inn.


It was a dark and stormy night – No! Really, it was! 

My girlfriends and I were looking for a place to eat. We wanted a really nice place to eat that had great food, good wine, and that the acoustics weren’t so loud we could have a really good conversation. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

I think we picked the right place, because that conversation lasted for 4 hours! 

It was a stormy winter night, and we did not want to cancel our girls’ night out, so we got ourselves a table by the roaring fireplace, and settled in for the evening. 


It was a wonderful evening, with delicious food, great service and a terrific atmosphere. Our hardest decisions were what wine to order and should we have an appetizer or a dessert. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

We went for dessert, but we ate them before I remembered to take a picture! 

Kids and the Old Orchard Inn

Although I went with my friends, the Old Orchard Inn is not just a place for adults. It’s a great place for kids. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

In fact, while we were there, the table behind us had a family with young children. there are a lot of things on the menu for kids! 

We LOVE going to the Sunday Brunch! 

Sunday Brunch at the Old Orchard InnRead Here about what makes the Old O Sunday Brunch a great family Place! 

I also want to thank the Old Orchard Inn for being a part of Burger Wars for Campaign for Kids every year. 

Did you know, in the first year, 2016, Old Orchard Inn won burger of the year? check it out! 

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Old Orchard Inn in Greenwich with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Next time you are looking for somewhere to eat out, remember the Old Orchard Inn, right off Exit 11 in Greenwich! 

Old Orchard Inn website

Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax

Body Worlds Exbibit at the Halifax Museum of Natural History

Disclosure: I received tickets for our family to visit the Body World Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax so we could do some investigative reporting and tell you all about it. All opinions are our own.  

One of our family’s  favourite places to visit in Halifax is the Museum of Natural History.

The museum is a great place to visit with kids as they have a great permanent collection, as well as a wide array of revolving exhibits. Exhibits are always interactive, hands-on for kids, which makes it a great place to visit.

When we were kids, we always called the museum “the place with the frog on the building.” Well, that frog is no longer on the outside of the building, but he can be found inside, now!


Current Exhibit: Body Worlds

The current exhibit, Body Worlds is on until April 22, 2018. 

Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Here’s what the website says:

The newest exhibition coming to the Museum of Natural History offers visitors the unique opportunity to explore the amazing biology and physiology of human health and the dramatic effects of disease. BODY WORLDS RX makes its Atlantic Canadian debut when it opens on January 12, 2018.

From organs to muscles to the nervous system and to skeletal structures, BODY WORLDS RX gives unprecedented look inside the most sophisticated mechanism in the world, the human body.

Created by anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens, inventor of Plastination science and creator of the trailblazing BODY WORLDS exhibitions, the exhibit features Plastination, a complex technique that removes the fluids from the body and replaces them with plastics that harden.

The specimens on display show impressive comparisons and contrasts between healthy bodies and organs and those stricken with disease. Particular emphasis is put on some of the most common ailments such as back pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis and heart infarctions, dementia, and more.

Watch my Facebook Live video to hear our commentary:

Inside the exhibit, you are not allowed to take pictures. 

Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

What you Need to Know about Visiting Body Worlds: 

  • The price of admission is included with your regular museum admission! Seasons pass holders to NS Museums or the Natural History Museum, that includes you, too! 
  • You do NOT need advance tickets. Just show up. 
  • The exhibit is very popular, especially on weekends. Some friends had to wait 15 minutes to get in, and wait in lines to see everything. But, it’s worth it. 
  • It took our family 1 hour to go through the exhibit. We went on a weekday morning, so it was quieter. We stopped to read just about everything, too. 
  • Age restrictions: You need to know your child. Some 3 year-olds went through and loved it because they are fascinated by science. Other older children find the vivid displays too graphic. Know your child.

Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Within the exhibits, you can see the damage we have been doing to our own bodies. How our spines are damaged by lifting improperly, how smoking blackens our lungs, and the effects of sugar. 

“My kids never want to drink, smoke or eat at McDonalds again after seeing that exhibit!” ~ said one mom who visited with her kids. 

My sons (9, 11) did find it a bit gruesome, they said, but they learned so much, and could really learn about how our bodies work. 

Prepare your kids in advance for what they are going to see, but explain it’s in the name of science! 

The exhibit is well worth a visit, and this is an amazing opportunity at a fantastic price, to see this first hand! Do not miss out! 


Hours and Admission

The Museum of Natural History is located at 1747 Summer Street in Halifax, near the Commons. There is a (paid) parking lot adjacent to the building, making it easy to visit.

Annual passes are available, and of course, with the NS Museum pass, entry is free!

Scavenger Hunts

Body Worlds Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Halifax with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca
When you buy your ticket, be sure to ask for a scavenger hunt for the kids. My kids always love filling these out and it gives them a focus for our visit.

However, I find that you have to remember to ask for them, as I don’t think I’ve ever been offered one. The onus is on you to remember to ask!


Permanent Exhibits

The Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History has a permanent exhibit, Sable Island: Over the Dunes, Beyond Wild Horses.


This is located in the marine room (a showcase of many of Nova Scotia’s native marine animals. Here, visitors get to experience a life-sized replica of a Sei Whale and several species of sharks. This permanent gallery also features a complete skeleton of a pilot whale, the rib of a blue whale and the jaw of a great white shark.)


The best part of the Sable Island exhibit is the sand table. Thomas and I played here for about half an hour!
This is a regular sandbox with a data projector above it. As you reshape the sand, the image projected shows the topography of your creation. Higher piles of sand become orange-green showing the height, while the lowest level of sand is the blue water. You can constantly reshape the land – thus showing how wind and waves are constantly changing Sable Island!
It’s incredible and a lot of fun to play with it!


Other permanent exhibits include archeology, geology, Natives, and any child’s favourite – the taxidermy section of native Nova Scotia animals!

IMG_8516 IMG_8517

At the main entrance there is also a woodland of animals to explore – some real and some not.


Lots of buttons to press. Don’t forget the bee display where you can see bees building a hive – as there a tube connected to outside where the bees come and go at will.


Gus the tortoise is a highlight in the museum. He lives at the front entrance and is over 90 years old! One of the times we were there, we experienced a first – the curator took Gus out of his enclosure to feed him, and let him go for a walk through the museum – with the kids close at his heels.


The kids were able to ask all sorts of questions and learn so much more! This was another trip highlight!


When we visit the Museum of Natural History we usually budget for about 1.5 hours. The kids always learn something new each time – especially if we remember to pick up a scavenger hunt.

Regardless of the revolving exhibit, this museum is always a great place to visit with your family! We love visiting in every season – seeing the bees in different states of activity, and often in the summer they host the butterfly pavilion. Keep checking their website for updates.

If you are in the city, they are constantly hosting interesting events for kids and families, so be sure to check it out!

Learn more about the Museum of Natural History in Halifax


Eating out with Friends and Family at the Union Street Berwick

Eating out with Friends and Family at the Union Street Berwick

Eating out with friends and family at the Union Street in Berwick with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

We’ve made it our mission to eat out around the Annapolis Valley in places like the Union Street in Berwick, telling you about great local restaurants to check out so you will support our local businesses and find a great new place to eat! 

I’ve always been a big fan of the Union Street restaurant in Berwick. 

In fact, my husband and I had our first date here over 15 years ago, when the restaurant was in its first location on Union Street, owned by my friend Jenny and Meagan Osburne. 

Now, the restaurant is relocated on Commercial street with the same great food, and recent new owners – Lauren and Virginia! 

I met Virginia years ago through the blogging world, as she has an incredible blog called Fynes Designs. Check it out! 

Eating out with friends and family at the Union Street in Berwick with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Because the owners have all been friends, they are big supporters of Burger Wars for Campaign for Kids, and the food is always phenomenal, I love eating at the Union Street in Berwick whenever possible! 

This week, my friend and I went for a lunch date. I had the beet salad, which might be my new favourite thing on the menu!

Eating out with friends and family at the Union Street in Berwick with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

And, she had the tomato soup and homemade biscuit. 

Eating out with friends and family at the Union Street in Berwick with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

The service is great, the food is delicious, and it’s a great place to go out with friends and family! 

Check their schedule, too, because they often have live music on the weekends in the evening! 

A huge thank you to the Union Street for always being a supporter of Burger Wars for Campaign for Kids! 


183 Commercial Street, Berwick, Nova Scotia


Learn more




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