Wish Come True Candies

Wish Come True Candies

 Wish Come True Candies or Chocolate Balls by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

I first saw reference to these goodies on a friend’s Facebook page. I knew I had to have the recipe, and thankfully she obliged! 

Confession: I don’t think mine turned out at all! 

However, they were still so good, I decided to share the recipe, because if you make them like I did, or how they are supposed to turn out, you are in for a treat either way! 

Wish Come True Candies or Chocolate Balls by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Wish Come True Candies
Delicious and very sweet candy or chocolate ball
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  1. 1 Bag peanut butter chips
  2. 1 Bag chocolate chips
  3. 1 Bag butterscotch chips
  4. 1 Bag (family size) rippled plain chips
  5. 1/2 cup chopped peanuts
  1. Melt chips in microwave or double boiler.
  2. Crush chips up finely and add to melted chips with peanuts.
  3. Drop small amounts into candy cups
  4. Makes approximately 90 candies.
  5. Or 24 balls.
Valley Family Fun https://valleyfamilyfun.ca/
When I melted the 3 kinds of chips, the mixture was very dry, almost like cookie dough. 

Wish Come True Candies or Chocolate Balls by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

I did add a bit of cream to the mixture when I was melting the chips, but I think I should have melted them more, to make it more liquidy. 

I then rolled the dough into very small balls, and let sit for a few minutes before we tried them. 

Wish Come True Candies or Chocolate Balls by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


However, my friend told me: 

“They are just round blobs of yumminess. Put each in a little candy wrapper. (Like the cupcake liners but small version) then you peel off like you are eating a Reese peanut butter cup.” 

The should have more resembled a macaroon cookie. 

Next time I try them, I will add some more liquid and melt the chips more. 

Either way, I’m still happy how they turned out, and although they are sweet, they are addictive,  so don’t say I didn’t warn you! 

Wish Come True Candies or Chocolate Balls by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


How to Make Okonomiyaki: Japanese Style Pancakes

How to Make Okonomiyaki: Japanese Style Pancakes

How to make Okonomikyaki, Japanese style savoury pancakes with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

When I lived in Japan, these savoury pancakes were one of my favourite meals. What’s great, is that it it’s a “Choose Your Own Adventure” and you can add whatever ingredients you like! 

We make these a lot at home, using this adaption from a Japanese cookbook called Japanese Family-Style Recipes, I bought when I was there. 

When we were in London last year, we met up with a friend I knew in Japan, and we headed to a real okonomiyaki restaurant near the British Museum. 

How to make Okonomikyaki, Japanese style savoury pancakes with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

They cook them on the table right before you, adding in the ingredients of your choice. 

Below is the recipe from the cookbook. Below that, I will include some quick cheats that we use for our own adaption of the recipe. 

Okonomiyaki: Japanese style pancakes
Wonderful, traditional savoury Japanese pancakes
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  1. 1/4 C flour
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 8 oz roast pork, cut in slivers (optional)
  4. 10 large cabbage leaves, cut in slivers
  5. 1 cup dried shrimp, or bite-size pieces of your favourite crustacean
  6. 1 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  7. 4 Tbsp each Worcestershire sauce and ketchup
  8. Mayonaise (optional)
  9. Other ingredients as desired (corn, shredded carrot, etc)
  1. Mike flour, eggs, cabbage and optional ingredients, to make a pancake mix.
  2. Heat some oil in a frying pan, and pour the batter on it.
  3. Cook as if you were cooking pancakes.
  4. Serve warm.
  5. Spread mayonnaise over top (optional).
  6. Mix Worcestershire sauce with ketchup. Brush on top of pancakes.
Adapted from Japanese Family-Style Recipes
Adapted from Japanese Family-Style Recipes
Valley Family Fun https://valleyfamilyfun.ca/
How to make Okonomikyaki, Japanese style savoury pancakes with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Our Cheats

To speed up the process, we generally use pancake mix and dump in a bag of coleslaw mix. 

That is, until we discovered locally grown and produced, Randsland Super Salad mix! 

How to make Okonomikyaki, Japanese style savoury pancakes with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

This recipe has become SO SIMPLE! 

Pancake mix + a bag of Randsland Super Salad Mix (minus the dressings) = Japanese-style Okonomiyaki 

We are never going back! 

Learn more about Randsland here. 

As they say in Japanese, Let the Feast Begin: Itadakimasu! 


How to make Okonomikyaki, Japanese style savoury pancakes with www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca




Best Homemade Waffles Ever

Best Homemade Waffles Ever

Best homemade waffles every by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

A few years ago, when I got my waffle maker, my sister gave me her recipe for the best-ever homemade waffles. 


The recipe is so big that it makes a lot for leftovers. I stick them in the freezer and the kids pop them in the toaster before school. 

When we go away for a girls’ weekend at a cottage, I always sign up for breakfast and bring this recipe! 

Best homemade waffles every by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

They taste great piled high with fresh fruit and squirty cream, or smothered in butter and maple syrup. 

Best homemade waffle recipe ever! Share on X


Best Ever Waffles
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  1. 3 1/2 Cups flour
  2. 4 tsp baking powder
  3. 2 Tbsp sugar
  4. 1 tsp salt
  5. 1 C vegetable oil
  6. 3 1/2 C milk
  7. 6 egg whites, beaten
  8. 6 egg yolks, beaten
  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Combine yolks and milk.
  3. Stir into dry ingredients.
  4. Stir in oil.
  5. Fold in egg whites.
  6. Make in a waffle maker.
  1. Makes a lot! Prepare to freeze the leftovers!
Valley Family Fun https://valleyfamilyfun.ca/

And, waffles don’t just have to be for breakfast! Enjoy! 



Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Our goal is to eat our way around the area, exploring locally owned restaurants like Vittles in New Ross, so you can support more local restaurants, too! 


Our family LOVES visiting Ross Farm Museum. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Sometimes we bring a picnic lunch, but more often than not, we find ourselves across the street at the Vittles Cafe! 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

This wonderful diner-style cafe has home-cooked food and a great kids’ menu! 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


There is always something for everyone’s taste. My favourite is the donair! 

But, the kids love the pizza! 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Vittles is located at 4821 Highway 12, New Ross, at the crossroads, almost across from the entrance to Ross Farm Museum. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

It’s a great place to stop on your way to or from the South Shore, or on your next family trip to Ross Farm. 

Add Vittles to your restaurant destination list! 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Vittles in New Ross by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Find Vittles Cafe on Facebook


Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang

Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang

Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang in New Minas or Greenwood and www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

We are making it our mission to eat our way around the Annapolis Valley, trying different restaurants, like Sushi Fang, to give you the scoop on great places to eat. #SupportLocal

Our family loves Sushi Fang. 

Having lived in Japan and traveled through a lot of Asia, we love Asian food. Since the kids were little, I always introduced them to foreign food and made our own sushi. So, eating at Sushi Fang, is not a far stretch for them. 

Sushi Fang used to be the place where my husband and I met for lunch on our own, or where we would go when the kids were out somewhere else. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang in New Minas or Greenwood and www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

However, the kids have now discovered the joys of Sushi Fang, and so now, it is where we go for a special occasion or for a treat. 

The food is a fun and creative twist on traditional Asian food, and especially the sushi. They have lots of fun flavours to try. Like this banana sushi my son fell in love with. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang in New Minas or Greenwood and www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Remember. Sushi does NOT mean raw fish. It is a vinegared rice. 


All you Can Eat

There are two options when you go to Sushi Fang. One is all-you-can eat, and the other is off the menu. When you do all-you-can eat, you fill out paper forms to indicate what you would like to order. 

Do not order more than you can handle, because if there is too much food left over, there may be a charge. 

We go for small orders each time. 

There is a kids’ price, too, so make sure you ask about that, too! Lunch time is cheaper than supper.


One thing you have to remember about going to Sushi Fang is that the service is what I call Asian-style. 

Did you know, in Japan, a waiter NEVER comes to your table unless you call out to them?

“Sumimasen!” (Excuse me!) 

It takes awhile to get used to it, as that is not what we do in North America. 

So, if you need service, flag them down. Wave at them. It’s the way restaurants work in Asia. 


Sushi Fang has 2 locations

7 Kentucky Crt, Kentville
1065 Central Ave, Greenwood 

The next time you are looking for a new place to try or are feeling adventurous, try Sushi Fang in either New Minas or Greenwood. 

Eating out with Friends and Family at Sushi Fang in New Minas or Greenwood and www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


The Scoop about the Real Scoop Ice Cream and Espresso Shop in Wolfville

The Scoop about the Real Scoop Ice Cream Shop in Wolfville

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Disclosure: Our family received an ice cream party at the Real Scoop Ice Cream Shop in Wolfville so we could have first-hand knowledge to share with you about this great new local business! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

They Have Swings! 

Enough said. 

I can honestly say that I have never been in a food establishment that has swings! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Real Scoop Owner, Tammy, said they wanted to have something unique and fun in their new shop in Wolfville, and I can’t think of anything better than a swing! 

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

All the ice cream at the Real Scoop is made onsite with real, quality ingredients.  No preservatives. No chemicals. Everything you can pronounce and everything you’ll want to eat! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Choose your base flavour (Chocolate, Strawberry or Vanilla)  and the price includes one mix-in of your choice. 

The mix-ins are everything from cookie dough to Pop Tarts and Rice Krispie Squares! Just about anything you can imagine! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

We opted for a little more traditional flavours like oreo crumbs, chocolate eggs and M&Ms. 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

You can immediately taste the homemade difference! 

Then, one of the best parts is having it served in either a waffle cone or a bowl, all made freshly at the shop. 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Besides ice cream, the Real Scoop makes and serves Belgian waffles made with authentic pearl sugar, the key ingredient in traditional Belgian Liege waffles! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

On top of all that, they serve fair-trade coffee! 



The Story Behind it All

Real Scoop’s owner, Tammy, told me that up until just recently, their family was living in Ontario. Tired of the hustle and bustle and the busy lifestyle, when their oldest daughter started attending Acadia, they decided to follow her here. 

Tammy says she always wanted to open her own business. When she thought about what she loved – going camping and going for ice cream, she knew she had her business model. 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

Looking around Wolfville, there were no other ice cream shops in town, so decided to fill the void with the Real Scoop. 

“The store matches perfectly the vision I had in my head!” says Tammy. 

Tammy has experimented with the recipe and has perfected it with wholesome ingredients. She is proud of what she and her family has been able to build. 

Stop in on a weekend and you might see all 4 of the family working behind the counter! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

And, they have swings! 

Right in front of the big picture window are 4 wooden swings. Have fun eating your homemade delicious ice cream or sipping your fair-trade coffee, and be sure to take a selfie! 

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

The Real Scoop is a place you are going to want to come back to many times so you can try the different mix-ins and see what is on the menu that week! 


Located at 10 Gaspereau Ave, Wolfville (in the former Applewicks Building)

Real Scoop Ice Cream shop in Wolfville by www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

For hours, prices, and more information, find the Real Scoop online. 

Find the Real Scoop on Facebook

Bring your date, bring your family, or bring your book, but just bring yourself to the Real Scoop in Wolfville! 

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