Homemade Babywipes
Homemade Baby Wipes
We discovered this recipe for homemade baby wipes when our first son was born. We can attest to the fact that it saved us hundreds of dollars over the life of our two babies.
Materials Needed
1 4L ice cream bucket with lid
1 roll of Bounty paper towel (we have tried several kinds, but Bounty is the only one that will work!)
1 Tbsp baby oil 1 Tbsp baby lotion
1 Tbsp baby wash
1 cup boiling water
How to Make
Cut the paper towel roll in half. It should end up the size of two rolls of toilet paper.
Measure 1 Tablespoon of each the lotion, oil and wash.
Pour in 1 Cup of boiling water. Mix
Put the roll of paper towel in the ice cream bucket.
Pour the mixture over top of the paper towel roll.
Put the lid on and let cool before use.
How to Use
Rip off one sheet at a time of paper towel to wipe your baby’s bum.
There are many modifications to the process. – Some people cut a slot in the top of the ice-cream bucket to pull out one sheet at a time – Some people use wash cloths rather than paper towel to reduce the environmental impact – Use whichever oil, wash and lotion products that you feel comfortable using on your baby’s skin.
Learning through Art
Learning Through Art
There is nothing better than a messy craft activity. For us, that’s getting out the paint set. Over the last year, we have been doing some fun art projects with an added educational component. Here are a few ideas to try at home.
Have the kids recreate this sensation by taping a piece of paper to the underside of a table. Lay out the paints and have them create a masterpiece and see how difficult it is!
Learn more about Michelangelo here
2. Painting with the senses: I set out paper and paints for the boys and then blindfolded them. They had to paint a picture without looking. It was really fun for them to see what they came up with.
3. Body painting: If you are willing to let the kids get a bit messy, then let the kids experiment with how it would be for artists who don’t paint with their hands. Let them mouth paint by only using a paintbrush between their teeth. Or, put a piece of paper on the floor at let them paint with their feet.
You never know where painting will lead and how messy it will get! Remember, it’s all part of the creative process; you can always hose them down in the tub later!
It’s amazing what creativity can happen when you just leave the art supplies out.
When the children were small, I kept a sketch pad and package of crayons or markers in their seat pouches. During every long drive, the boys would automatically pull it out and create!
Now that they are older, they love to watch YouTube video of how to draw different things, or we also have a stack of books along the same theme.
Let their imaginations draw wild!
What painting projects have you done with your kids? Leave me a suggestion.
Rural Family Pass at the Discovery Centre

Did you know that it pays to be a rural family? When it comes to the Discovery Centre in Halifax, it certainly does!
Our family is a huge fan of the Discovery Centre. We have been going a few times a year since the boys were about two-years old. One of the highlights is seeing the traveling exhibition on the main floor. We’ve learned about psychology, grossology, space travel, and with the current exhibition – animal grossology.
The boys (now six and seven) never grow tired of exploring the top two floors of the Centre. What kid wouldn’t love blowing human-sized bubbles, building towers, running like a sprinter or playing with Lego? The entire Centre is a hands-on, kids’ paradise for learning. I love seeing how the boys interact with the exhibits differently each time they go, as they age and mature.
Yes! We are big fans of the Discovery Centre! So much so, that we buy an annual Rural Family pass.
Rural Family Pass
Did you know that it pays to be a rural family? If you live 100km from Halifax (Windsor and beyond), you are eligible to purchase the Rural Family Membership from the Discovery Centre in Halifax!
With the Rural Family Pass (which you can fill out online) it’s only $50 for the year! For a family of 4, one visit would cost $34 – so in just 2 visits, the Rural Family Pass pays for itself!
Membership dues also support their work improving science education at the Centre and across the province. In addition to free year-round admission to Centre, members receive free admission to over 200 science centres around the world!
When we went to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, we got in for free! A family entry would have been $70, where we only paid $50 for our Discovery Centre’s annual pass!
When we go to Crystal Palace in Moncton, the kids love that we get free tokens for the arcade and we love that we get a discount on the hotel!
Here’s a full list of member benefits:
• year-long admission
• discounts on camps and birthday parties
• discounts on Discovery Shop purchases
• member-only events
• subscription to DISCOVER, our monthly newsletter
• free admission to over 200 affilliated science centres around the world – Canadian Association of Science Centres & ASTC Passport Program
• 15% discount on daily rates at the Ramada Crystal Palace in Moncton – based on availability and not applicable for group rates
• 20 Crystal Palace tokens with the purchase of a Crystal Palace family pass – based on availability and not applicable for group rates
• one free kid’s meal with every adult entrée at Boston Pizza (downtown Halifax location only)
• $15 off the CAA enrollment fee + $50 discount on travel bookings of $1,000 or more – limit one per customer – conditions apply. CAA Instructions & CAA Application available online.
• $50 off the initiation fee at the YMCA Halifax
The next time you are in the city, or are looking for a fun adventure, I highly recommend checking out the Discovery Centre. You might learn a thing or two!
Leave me a comment and tell me what is your or your children’s favourite thing to do at the Discovery Centre!
Taco Soup
Taco Soup!
This soup recipe was one of our favourites from childhood. The recipe originally came from a woman in our village who would make gallons of it for church and community functions.
I recently made it for my boys and was thrilled (and admittedly) shocked by how much they loved it! Well, who wouldn’t love supper when you get to add chips to it!
Taco Beef Soup
½ lb. ground beef
¼ C chopped onion
1 ½ C water
1 16 oz can of stewed cut-up tomatoes
1 8 oz can of tomato sauce
1 16 oz can of kidney beans
½ envelope or 2 Tablespoons of taco seasoning mix
Grated cheese
Nacho chips
Sour Cream
Brown hamburger and onion. Drain fat.
Pour into a large pot.
Add water, cans of tomatoes, kidney beans and tomato sauce. Do not drain. Pour them in the pot with their juices. Add taco seasoning.
Simmer covered for 15 minutes.
After you serve it, crush up nacho chips and add it to the bowl. Top with grated cheese and a dollop of sour cream. Mix.
My boys use the nacho chips to dip into the soup. However you eat it, it’s great on a winter’s day or doubled for a family gathering.
My original recipe actually has quantities for 60 people on it!
Serves 6
Keep Your Kids Safe on YouTube

Child Security Measures for Youtube
“Whoa! What was THAT??”
The only internet-connected computer in our house to which the boys have access is located in a high-traffic location right by the kitchen. We put it there so we can keep an eye on their online activities, which consist mostly of watching Youtube videos or playing web-based games.
On Youtube, though, it can be only a couple of clicks for children to get from something you’re comfortable with them watching to something that you most definitely aren’t! On more than one occasion we’ve been brought running from the kitchen by language or other things that have been totally inappropriate!
There’s a couple of things you can do to limit exposure to inappropriate material on Youtube though.
If you have a Google account (which you will if you use Gmail or Google+, for example), you can access Youtube‘s safety settings. Scroll to the very bottom of any Youtube page and you’ll see a button called “Safety: Off”. You can select it and, by signing into your Google account you can set that safety setting to “On”.
Note that this is a filter, not an absolute ban; as the setting itself says, “No filter is 100% accurate, but it should help you avoid most inappropriate content.”
Of course, one content area that Youtube definitely DOES want viewers watching, but which can also contain content inappropriate for children, are the advertisements that precede almost every video. Believe it or not, you can block these ads, too!
We use a free add-on for Firefox called Tube Enhancer (www.tubeenhancer.com). Among other features, you can set it to block the ads that appear in or before Youtube videos – a great feature when those ads are full of the latest death-and-mayhem of Call of Duty: Ghosts or GTA 5! There are also Tube Enhancer add-ons for the Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers too.
Again, though, add-ons such as Tube Enhancer will only filter content inappropriate for kids, not guarantee total blocking.
There is no substitute for being involved in your children’s internet activity!
Valley Family Fun in the News
I write a column in our local paper that is distributed to four papers under Transcontinental Media umbrella. All my columns pertain to fun things to do in the Annapolis Valley with your family.
Here is the archive of those articles.
Celebrating the magic of Christmas Eve, December 23, 2016
FAMILY FUN: Planning will help trim holiday shopping, December 4, 2016*
Plenty of opportunities for families with special needs kids, December 6, 2016
Helping kids remember, November 9, 2016*
Non-traditional instruments a noteworthy approach to kids learning music, October 26, 2016
Valley kids donate hair out of shear pleasure, October 12, 2016
Table tennis is fun and easy to learn, September 27, 2016
Plenty of artistic opportunities this fall in Annapolis Valley, September 15, 2016
Take your kids to an exhibition, August 19, 2016
Don’t miss the boat this summer, July 31, 2016
Seeing the Valley from new heights, July 14, 2016
Make both kids and parents happy campers, July 6, 2016
Climbing gives youth confidence, June 21, 2016
Family Fun: Discovering your Acadian roots in the Annapolis Valley, June 9, 2016
Family Fun: Getting lost in the stars, May 22, 2016
Valley Family Fun: Have family fun while learning about Valley farming and heritage, May 15, 2016
Youth learn about nature, leadership through Scouting and Guiding, April 25, 2016*
Football teaches youth camaraderie and discipline, April 14, 2016
Store workshops let kids learn from the experts, March 28, 2016
Reducing stress and cost of birthday parties, March 14, 2016
Win or lose, chess teaches respect, February 29, 2016
Top 10 things to try with your family this winter, February 15, 2016
Have some spare time? Try bowling! February 1, 2016
Being Bored is OK, January 18, 2016
Free programs strengthen and inspire families, January 5, 2016
Family Fun: Fear of Santa common, says Kentville psychologist, December 14, 2015
The lowdown on lice: Scratching away the myths about lice, December 7, 2015
Off Like a Speeding Bullet, November 24, 2015
Take off to the Greenwood Aviation Museum, November 10, 2015
Plenty of options for Halloween fun throughout the Valley, October 20, 2015
Conkers Tournament Great for all Ages, October 12, 2015
Run, Run as fast as you can, September 28, 2015
4H helping youth grow by doing, September 15, 2015
Ross Farm days offers chance to see how early settlers lived, September 1, 2015
Find a beach in the Annapolis Valley summer, August 21, 2015
Off to the Races with Valley Raceway, August 4, 2015
Find a new love with tennis, July 20, 2015
Tubing safely with kids down the Gaspereau River, July 3, 2015
Prescott House Museum offers summer programming for children, June 22, 2015
Kids can explore Valley trains by covering all tracks, June 8, 2015
Open house great way to teach kids to respect firearms, May 25, 2015
Wearing proper gear allows skateboarders to safely challenge themselves, May 12, 2015
Celebrating Canada’s summertime national sport, April 27, 2015
Ringette lets youth build skills and friendships on ice, April 13, 2015
Trust important first step of riding, April 2, 2015
Eating with Kids at Acadia, March 16, 2015*
Downhill skiing with children starts with the basics, March 2, 2015
Bundle up, be safe and have fun sledding, February 17, 2015
Get your kids to fall for cross country skiing, Feb 2, 2015
Curling great way to be active with kids in winter, January 20, 2015
Yoga Benefits Kids of all Ages, January 6, 2015
Making gifts teaches children to put others first, December 2, 2014
Valley concerts make the season bright, November 18, 2014
Get in touch with starting music early, November 3, 2014
Help your kids become young naturalists, October 20, 2014
An apple a day makes for plenty of family fun, September 29, 2014
Cache in on a fun family activity, September 15, 2014*
Kentville’s 4x Bike Course Good for all ages, August 25, 2014
Disc Golf: A new trend hitting the Valley, August 11, 2014
Make Annapolis Royal Natal Days a Family Celebration, July 29, 2014
Waterslides a big splash with kids, July 14, 2014
Drive-in – More than meets the eye, June 30, 2014
Get Kids Hooked on Fishing, June 16, 2014
Live theatre lets kids use their imagination, June 2, 2014
Golf improves kids’ skills both on and off the course, May 20, 2014
Martial Arts are a Great Learning Tool for Kids, May 5, 2014
Become the Next Robin Hood, April 15, 2014
Are your kids climbing the walls? April 1, 2014
Slot car racing making a comeback, March 17, 2014
Try tapping into the maple syrup experience, March 3, 2014
Laser tag can be a fun family activity, February 17, 2014
Snowshoeing is an increasingly popular family activity, February 4, 2014
Lovely weather for a sleigh ride, January 20, 2014
Kentville’s soccer dome a big hit with all ages, January 8, 2014
Create new holiday traditions, December 11, 2013 *
A family of helping hands, November 27, 2013
Go take a hike! October 30, 2013
A-MAZE-ing family fun, October 2, 2013
Brier Island, A Whale of a Time, September 2, 2013
Young Picassos, August 5, 2013
All Aboard the Trecothic Creek and Windsor Railway! July 9, 2013
Have a suggestion for a topic? Leave me a note!