Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Visions by Kurt Kamm review by Valley Family Fun www.valleyfamilyfun.ca


Tunnel Visions by Kurt Kamm

*I received a copy of this book to review from Hay House Publishing*

Water is a precious resource and we need to protect it. When we don’t have it, it is the source of many conflicts. Many a war has been fought over water.

Tunnel Visions, by Kurt Kamm deals with the subject of water in California. Based on real events, the book starts with an explosion that happened in 1971 in the Sylmar Tunnel. When miners were working on a water tunnel to divert water to southern California, there was an explosion and many miners were killed.

The story starts here as Nick Carter tries to discover the truth about his father who died in that explosion.

Tunnel Visions weaves between Nick’s search for information about his father in the early 2000s and present day when he, a fire captain, and his girlfriend, special agent Cindi Burns, are working together to stop modern day terrorists who are threatening the water supply.

While reading this book, I learned an a lot about the water situation in California and modern day technologies of fire and tunnel rescues.

Kamm does a great job of weaving the stories together, and I was particularly fond of the Nick’s quest to find information about his father and could have read an entire story just about this!

Many elements were a convenient coincidence for a plot device (Wow! I just happened to have this map, flashlight, etc in my pocket!).

To get another opinion, I got my co-book-blogger (aka my mother) to read it and tell me what she thought. Here’s what she said:

Tunnel Visions by Kurt Kamm is a book of faction – fiction based on fact.

Before reading this book, I knew nothing about the water wars in California or about the building of the Sylmar Tunnel that channels water from northern to southern California.

Tunnel Visions describes the building of this tunnel and the methane explosion in 1971 that killed 17 miners, who were working on it.

The author weaves a narrative moving between the 1971 explosion and a fictional terrorist attack on the tunnel supposedly occurring in 2014. The novel flowed well back and forth between the two stories. A thread that ties the two events together is a firefighter in the fictional 2014 disaster, who searches for information regarding his father who reportedly had been involved in the 1971 disaster. His search leads to some startling findings.

The beginning of the story concerning the 1971 explosion was well-crafted and engaging; it was obvious that the author had done a great deal of research.

Mystery, romance, betrayal, and discoveries are all interwoven in this tale, however, the story’s ending was abrupt. And the reader was left looking for more. The story was compelling, the historical details and photo archive impressive so all in all a must read.



This book is a quick read on an interesting and new subject written by an author with obvious experience in the field of firefighting (based on the technical language used). If you are looking for a different kind of adventure story, try Tunnel Visions!

Book Swap Party


How to run a Book Swap

I love to read. I will read just about anything. However, when I walk into a book store I often feel overwhelmed about what to buy. I’d rather someone just give me a good book to read.

I am also a huge fan of flea market book sales for charity. I come home with arm loads of books to try (that the attendant has told me are good). I am also in a book club. Because of this, my shelves are full of books that I have finished but don’t want to keep.

To combat the problem, I have come up with a great women’s night idea that I have been running twice a year for the past few years. It’s a ladies’ book swap night!


Here’s how I set it up.

1. Send out invitations to various women. I love bringing together women from various aspects of my life who don’t know each other. Aim for 10 people, inviting a few more for cancellations. Ask each woman to bring a minimum of two books to swap.

2. On the night of the party, I ask each woman to hold on to one book that she wants to talk about and to try to “sell.” All other books are put on the kitchen table.

3. I have everyone sit in a circle around the living room. We go around the room introducing ourselves. At the same time, we give a brief synopsis of the book we brought. Remind your guests to pay close attention to this, as they will need this information later on!

4. Distribute a slip of paper and a pen to each guest. Ask her to write on it an interesting fact about herself that the others will guess. Collect the slips of paper in a bowl.

5. As hostess, draw a slip of paper out of the bowl and read it aloud to the group. The women guess who they think that mystery person is.

6. The mystery person then picks any book that she wants. Much like the Yankee Swap game we used to play at Christmas, the game continues. Read another slip of paper, and that mystery person picks a book or steals one from someone else who has already picked. If you have a book stolen from you, pick another book (or steal from someone again).

7. Proceed until all the slips of papers have been drawn and everyone in the room has a new book!


In the second part of the night, I lay all the extra books out on the table. Everyone then shops for books and takes as many new books as she wants. The leftover books are donated to charity or kept for the next book swap.


Other Swaps

We have held other swapping parties (without the game). These include
– Accessories, unopened make-up, beauty products, etc
– Kids’ toys and books
– Recipes/baked goods

It’s a fun way to get together with friends and leave with a few new –to-you treasures!



Japanese Dodgeball


Japanese Dodgeball

Years ago, after graduating from university, I went to Japan for 3 years on an exchange program to teach English. I taught primarily in junior high school, but twice a month I toured various elementary schools in the area.


While teaching elementary school, I became very familiar with dodgeball. I grew up playing dodgeball in a big circle, but here, they play an elaborate game with two teams.

I have to admit, I hate dodgeball. I hate it with a passion. I am not athletic. I am not competitive, and I don’t move very quickly. I spent most of my time dodging having to play the game!


But, regardless, I did pick up the rules. I’ve heard other countries play it this way, too, but this is how I know that they play it in Japan.

I will now attempt to explain how the Japanese children play dodgeball.

Divide the group into two teams.

This game works best with at least 20 people. In the playing field (ideally this should be played outdoors) draw a distinct line down the middle as well as a rectangle to outline the playing area.

Have each team stand in their own half of the field. Janken (rock, paper, scissors) to see who will get the ball first.

The team with the ball must throw it at the opposite team, attempting to hit someone below the shoulders. (Let’s call the team with the ball, Team A).

If team A misses a player on Team B, Team B then gets a chance to hit someone on team A. It is legal to catch the ball and throw it back, however, you must not drop the ball.

If the ball is dropped, or a player is hit by the opposite team, they then go and stand on the sidelines of the opposite team’s half of the field. (for example, if a player from team A is hit, or drops the ball while attempting to catch it, he or she must stand anywhere on the sidelines of Team B’s half).

In order for this player to be freed, players on the same team (example A) can throw the ball to the person on the sidelines. This player on the sidelines can then throw the ball at the opposite team trying to hit one of them. If successful, the player on the sidelines can go back and join his or her team, while the player who was hit, must go to the sidelines.

Keep playing until one team has no players left in the field. The other team is then declared the winner.

I hope this makes sense! It’s a lot of fun, and is fast paced. The kids love it and play it by the hour!



Garnier Clean+ Makeup Remover #GarnierSensitive

Garnier Clean+ Makeup Remover Review by Valley Family Fun www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca


Garnier Clean+ Makeup Remover #GarnierSensitive

Because disclaimers are important! Product has been provided by Garnier Canada, the opinions and language are my own, and in no way do they reflect Garnier Canada.

When it comes to fashion and make up, I am fundamentally lazy.

Working from home has made the problem worse.
I would rather wear my yoga pants and sweatshirt than anything else.
I hardly ever wear makeup.

When I do wear makeup the 1-2 times a month, it is a quick routine.
The routine to take it off is even quicker. I usually just use water, or sometimes a cleanser. But not consistently.

I know that this is not great for my skin – especially to leave so much makeup still on my skin. Now that I am getting… ahemm… older, and stop being so lazy.

I need to really start making the effort to take better care of my skin.

So, when I had the chance to test the new Garnier Clean + for Sensitive Skin makeup remover, I jumped at the chance. I already love Garnier hair products, so this wasn’t a hard ask.

I’ve been busy getting ready for a 1920s gala event, and spent an evening practicing my 1920s style makeup. This gave me the perfect excuse to put on makeup – and then to take it off.


I did a simple test.
On half my face, I cleaned it with just water (my usual routine).
On the other half of my face, I rubbed in the Garnier Clean + Makeup remover for sensitive skin.


I took a cotton ball to each side of my face to wipe off the makeup.
You can immediately see the difference. The side that I washed with just water is clean.


This is not a good thing. This means that very little of the makeup was actually removed.
The side with the Garnier Clean + makeup remover was full of makeup that was actually removed.

The next time I tried it, I took some of the makeup remover and put it on the cotton pad, like in this video.

This worked wonderfully well for me.

Both times, my skin felt soft after using it. It was so easy to use, and I could tell the difference.

To get a few more opinions, I checked in with my sister. Here’s what she said:


“I like it. Not too greasy. Not perfumed. My skin didn’t feel tight
and dry afterwards. Kind of moisturizing. Worked well!”


Then I gave some to my BFF to try. She has a job where she dresses up and wears makeup every day, so I knew she’d be a good candidate! Here’s what she said:


“Make up remover worked well…and I haven’t broken out in any gross pimples…so that’s a good thing!”


Here’s what Garnier says:

Garnier Clean + for Sensitive Skin dissolves even waterproof mascara and gently calms and comforts skin with moringa and plant Extract

Removes stubborn makeup and calms sensitive skin.

No alcohol, dyes or fragrances.

    • Approved by the Canadian Dermatology Association



Garnier Clean + Makeup remover definitely fits into my lazy routine. I’m going to keep this product around!

Measure your Kids


Best Tip: Measure your Kids

Yes, I am that anal.

Recently, when we were at a school jacket exchange event, I was picking out a coat for my son. He wasn’t with me, so I couldn’t have him try it on.

What’s a mom to do?

I dug in my purse. I pulled out a cloth tape measurer and measured the arm length. Then, I pulled out a chart (scribbled on a scrap piece of paper).


On it, I have recorded all the kids’ sizes:
– Arm length
– Inseam
– Shoe size

I measured the coat.
I checked my chart.
BINGO. It would fit (and it does).

While doing this, I had a few moms look at me in wonder. Yes, I am that anal.
But, it is a great tip, and makes shopping a whole lot easier!

Just remember to update the chart every few months!


Cook with Stevia

NuNatural Stevia review by Valley Family Fun www.ValleyFamilyFun.ca

**Disclosure: To review this product, I received a big box of samples to try along with a recipe booklet of ways to use the product**

SharonTo help me with this review, I called upon my sister, Sharon, and her family!

Here’s what she said:

I had the opportunity to try a whole range of Stevia-based products by

In case you haven’t heard, Stevia is derived from the leaves of a plant and can be used as a natural sweetener. It can be sold in crude form (dried leaves), or more often it is seen as a purified extract.
Health Canada permits its use as a sweetener in certain food products but acknowledges that more research is needed to confirm any health effects it may have. (There are thoughts that it may lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.) You may have seen it used in different products in the grocery store, including yogurt and diet soda.

I received a whole box of very interesting looking items and began to
experiment with different ways to use them.


My husband, being a diabetic who loves sweets, was anxious to get in on the sampling as well!

My favourite product is the NuStevia Simple Syrup.


Most people would make a regular simple syrup by a lot of sugar to a little bit of water. Not good for a diabetic – or anyone for that matter! I added about a 1/4 teaspoon of NuStevia Simple Syrup to a glass of carbonated water (Thanks SodaStream!) and a dash of lime juice for a very low-cal deliciously refreshing drink! Mmmm!

I’m sure this would be equally good in ice tea. I tried making chocolate milk with the cocoa syrup. Not bad, but I found this one had a bit of an aftertaste.


The other product that I really enjoyed was the Pure Liquid NuStevia. This comes in little dropper bottles in many different flavours.


pureI tried the Pure Liquid Cherry Vanilla NuStevia in carbonated water (Thanks again,
SodaStream!) and came up with something that tasted a lot like Dr Pepper. I only used about 7 drops of this. It is powerful stuff!


NuStevia_Cocoa_SyrupI used the lemon version of this a few times when baking lemon biscotti. It gave a really nice intense lemon flavour.

There are also peppermint, orange, vanilla and plain Pure Liquids that can be used to add an extra burst of flavour to a lot of things.

All of this was sampled by my diabetic husband, who also enjoyed the flavours and experienced no ill effects on blood sugar after consumption.

I’d recommend using them in products that contain a bit of flavour of their own as some do have a slight aftertaste.

Learn more about NuStevia products and place your order today!

Now, it’s your turn to try them out!


Win with NuNaturals and NuStevia

NuNaturals has an entire product line using stevia that you can try! And, along with the products come lots of great recipes.

Like them on Facebook to learn more!

Everyone can receive DISCOUNTS on all orders placed through the website www.nunaturals.com.

When you get to our checkout page enter the DISCOUNT CODE BLG0615 and you will receive – 15% DISCOUNT on your ENTIRE ORDER. This discount remains


Online ordering customers may also receive FREE SHIPPING to the CONTINENTAL U. S. on all orders exceeding $35.00 after discounts.



4 people will win:
one bottle of the Cherry Vanilla Stevia Liquids
A 50 pkt box of our NuStevia White Stevia Powder packets
A bottle of our NEW COCOA SYRUP
A bottle of the NEW MINT COCOA SYRUP.

Each of the 4 winners will receive the complete product selection of all 4 items with the retail value of $ 54.00, PLUS A FREE BONUS PRODUCT!

Enter daily by clicking on this banner and filling out the form until March 24.

For an extra ballot, leave a comment and tell me what product you are most interested in trying!





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