Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Celebrating Japanese Setsubun in Canada

Celebrating Japanese Setsubun in Canada Demons out! Good Fortune In! This is what the Japanese festival Setsubun is all about!  Setsubun is an annual Japanese festival on February 3rd. This is the eve before Spring according to the Japanese lunar calendar. The Japanese traditionally believe that the spirit world is closest to our world on […]

10 Things to Remember to Prepare Your Child for University Life

10 Things to Remember to Prepare Your Child for University Life Disclosure: This is a sponsored post to give you some great tips about preparing your child for university life.  At some point, every child grows old enough to be an adult. Sending children to study at the university is a big event in any […]

Celebrating Japanese Setsubun in Canada

Celebrating Japanese Setsubun in Canada Demons out! Good Fortune In! This is what the Japanese festival Setsubun is all about!  Setsubun is an annual Japanese festival on February 3rd. This is the eve before Spring according to the Japanese lunar calendar. The Japanese traditionally believe that the spirit world is closest to our world on […]

10 Things to Remember to Prepare Your Child for University Life

10 Things to Remember to Prepare Your Child for University Life Disclosure: This is a sponsored post to give you some great tips about preparing your child for university life.  At some point, every child grows old enough to be an adult. Sending children to study at the university is a big event in any […]