Erica Spring BodyTalk
*I received a session with Erica Spring BodyTalk in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are my own.*
The moral of this story is “don’t knock it till you try it!”
When Erica Spring de Sousa contacted me about having a BodyTalk session with her, I jumped at the opportunity. I love trying anything new, and having the opportunity to share my experiences and educate others.
“I have no idea what to expect”
I said to my husband whilst heading out the door. This made the experience all the more interesting!
What is BodyTalk?
This is what Erica Spring BodyTalk website says:
Any kind of stress has an impact on our bodies whether its physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Physical problems are often a sign of an underlying factor that cannot be accessed by our ego, the part of our brain we use the most. In fact, our ego often holds on to stressors, beliefs and emotions that can cause deterioration in our health.
BodyTalk communicates with your bodymind, or whole self, which knows exactly what changes need to take place to promote healing. Your symptoms may be the same as someone else’s but your body’s approach to healing will be entirely unique.
BodyTalk establishes which changes need to happen and in what order for the most effective results.
BodyTalk supports your bodymind to repair channels of communication, release stored emotions, and soften belief systems, all of which promotes improved health and overall wellness.
In essence, it’s getting your body to talk so it can start to heal.
My Experience
When I arrived at the clinic in New Minas, Erica brought me into the treatment room. I sat on the clinical table (much like a massage table) while she explained to me what would happen in our session.
Her nature is gentle and calm, and you immediately feel at ease with her.
I then lay on my back, fully clothed, in the warm, dim room.
Many people are apprehensive about massages because they don’t want to get undressed or don’t like to be touched.
BodyTalk avoids all this.
While I laid on my back, Erica held my arm with one hand and my right hand with the other.
Going through a series of steps and processes, Erica then would delve into a variety of questions, waiting for my body to give the needed response through my hand.
All I had to do was lie there, and relax. And, it was an incredibly relaxing experience.
Each time Erica had a response, we went through a series of “tapping it out” which involved her tapping my head and then my heart so that connections could be reestablished. Sometimes it would involve me holding a part of my body, or repeating statements.
Through the BodyTalk session, Erica told me that I kept a lot of my stress in my stomach. The rest of the day, I did feel almost a pit in my stomach, like it had been really worked or had finally relaxed after being held.
During the session, Erica is also able to delve into some deeper issues you might be experiencing. These come to her through responses and energy in the body.
I honestly gasped a few times and wondered how she knew certain things about me that only my closest friends know.
“I’m not friends with you or am connected with you on Facebook. I never write about these things. How do you know?”
“Your body is telling me.”
It was very unnerving, but also a release!
The great thing is, as Erica says, you don’t need to share the stories, or tell her details. If you are not comfortable, you do not have to acknowledge them. It’s what you feel comfortable with. It’s all what your body is telling you.
Following the treatment I felt lightheaded and “lifted” is the only word. And, as I mentioned before, my stomach felt as though it had been worked.
It was such a relaxing and calming experience, that I can easily see why it would work with people who are feeling stressed, anxious and/or depressed.
BodyTalks with Children
BodyTalk is appropriate for people and children of all ages and in any state of health, including pregnancy.
Kids and babies may attend sessions.
I asked Erica how that worked with children, and would they sit still. She said that to be treated, children do not need to sit still! They can play on the floor, and sometimes, the parent can actually act as the conduit of information.
Erica teaches calming exercises that work wonders for children to self-soothe. In fact, she’s taught techniques to an elementary school class at a local school. The teacher does this with the students a few times a week to help the kids relax!
If you are looking for a new health experience to feel reconnected and want to get to the route of some of your body issues, book an appointment with Erica Spring Body Talk!
Free Information Session and Demonstration
Saturday February 20th, 2016 1-3pm
Paradise Community Hall, 10300 Hwy 1, Paradise NS
Contact Karen Cross for more details:
902 309 1553 or
Book a Mini Session with 4-6 people at Erica’s home in Gaspereau, or at someone else’s!
5 Crescent Drive
New Minas, Nova Scotia
902 670 5851
Try BodyTalk for Free!
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