Many local communities host a weekly playgroup. These are subject to change. Please check before attending!
Annapolis County – Family Matters Resource Centre offers a variety of playgroups around the county.
Avondale Playgroup – At the Avondale Hall, 9am -11am! Come and stay or just drop in. See what new toys and activities we have to offer. Serving Coffee for the adults and some snacks for everyone!
Berwick – The playgroup is every Wednesday from 10:15-11:30am at the Berwick Baptist Church hall. It’s $3.00 per family snacks are provided.
Greenwood – All of our GMFRC programs and services are offered to our military and veteran community members, and when possible, extended to our civilian community members. We offer free drop-in weekly parent and
child activities. See Calendar section for a complete listing of our weekly offerings (Parent & Tot, Tumble Tots, Café Franco, Baby Group and Friendly Fridays).
Port Williams – Tuesday mornings from 10:30-12 at the Port Williams United Baptist Church. Open to newborns to preschoolers. Snacks provided. Free. Contact 902-542-3495.
Windsor – Baby Love. A social time for parents with babies 0 – 12 months. 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Weekly on Thursday
Thoughts for Tots: Interactive playgroup for parents and caregivers of children 3-5 years. Tues & Thurs from 9:30-11:30am.
Treasured Toddlers: Interactive playgroup for parents and caregivers of children 1-3 years. Wed from 9:30-11:30am