Campfire Tacos

Ultimate Campfire Tacos


When I told my friend we were going camping, she immediately told me we HAD to make these campfire treats when we were there. Another mutual friend had shared the recipe with her, and now she was imparting the wisdom on me!

I’m so glad she did!

Campfire Tacos
These are the ultimate campfire ooey-gooey treats! All you need are some tortilla shells and then all the candy you can think of!
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  1. tortilla shells
  2. Candy galore: Rolos, teddy grahams and mini marshmallows work really well! chocolate chips, nutella, bananas, peanut butter cups, etc. (anything that will melt under heat)
  1. We covered the tortilla in nutella (optional) and then loaded on as much candy that would fit.
  2. Wrap tightly in tinfoil.
  3. Place on the grill or around the campfire.
  4. Leave for about 10 minutes, or until everything is melted.
  5. Remove from heat. Caution, as it will be hot!
Valley Family Fun
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These were a huge hit with the boys, and would make for a great party treat! Can’t wait to try them again!



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