Ross Farm Museum


Ross Farm Museum

Since the kids were little, Ross Farm Museum has been one of our all-time favourite places to visit.

We always buy a season’s pass and try to go at least once a season. It is the perfect example of family fun!

Here’s what the website says:
Experience Hands-on Heritage!
At Ross Farm Museum step back in time and experience life as it once was in rural Nova Scotia. Using heritage skills, animals and tools we continue to operate the farm of Captain William Ross who settled in New Ross in 1816 with his family, and 172 disbanded soldiers.

Our knowledgeable interpreters can be seen performing the same daily tasks that was once a way of life for many folks in rural Nova Scotia. On any given day you can witness farmers working in the fields with oxen, the blacksmith hammering on glowing hot steel and the ladies in Rosebank Cottage preparing delicious biscuits, just to name a few. Visit us today and immerse yourself into the history of rural Nova Scotia!


Ross Farm Museum meets all of our family’s needs.

1. We like to take educational adventures. Here, the kids get to have a hands-on experience trying everything from quill writing to black smithing. They can get a great sense of how life was over 150 years ago. It is always a great learning experience.


2. The boys need to run around. Between buildings, and around the farm, there is plenty of space for burning off energy.


3. There are always interesting events. From tapping maple syrup, to family participation days, or cooking over the open hearth, there is always something new to explore, try and learn.


Our favourite days to visit are the Family Participation days on Labour Day weekend and the Christmas Festival (where you make a different craft in each of the buildings) on the first weekend in December.



4. Wagon rides. This, and seeing the kittens and animals in the barn, is the boys’ favourite part of the visit. They love going around the farm either in the wagon or on the sleigh, being pulled by the horses! This ride is included in the price of admission.


5. It is accessible. Ross Farm is only a 45 minute drive from Kentville, making it an easy and accessible trip from the Valley. Sometimes we go with a picnic lunch, or we have lunch in the diner across the street. Most times we just go for a half day.




Hours and Admission

During the winter, Ross Farm Museum is only open on the weekends from 9:30-4:30 but daily during the rest of the year.
Ross Farm is open year round.
Prices can be found here.

Head to Ross Farm for a perfect day of family fun!

There are lots of hands-on activities, often scavenger hunts for the kids to complete, and it’s the perfect open-aired place for the kids to burn off energy.

Check their events schedule, and visit lots. You will always learn something new! Over March Break they have a daily schedule of great events! And, don’t forget wagon rides!



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